
  • 网络Bohemian Rhapsody;Live
  1. 正在温布利球场演唱《波西米亚狂想曲》的皇后乐队一下子把Psy震住了。

    Their concert at Wembley Stadium shocked Psy , and they were singing Bohemian Rhapsody .

  2. 正在温布利球场演唱《波西米亚狂想曲》的皇后乐队一下子把Psy震住了。他们也成了Psy的灵感来源。

    Their concert at Wembley Stadium shocked Psy , and they were singing Bohemian Rhapsody . Queen happens to be one of Psy 's inspirations .

  3. 比如这一张图片搭配上了三岁女孩米莉的话,她好像不太理解皇后乐队的《波西米亚狂想曲》,“驼鹿拉屎!驼鹿拉屎!你吃芒果吗?”

    One picture features a quote from a three-year-old called Millie , who couldn 't quite get the words of Queen 's Bohemian Rhapsody right . It reads : ' S * * * a moose ! S * * * a moose ! Can you have a mango ? '