
  • 网络The Bostonians;bostonian;Boston Public
  1. 他一位英俊的波士顿人就在那里,以一篇后来成为美国行为准则一部分的演说,呼唤一代人为他人奉献,呼唤整个国家创造伟大业绩。

    There he is , the handsome Bostonian , summoning a generation to service and a nation to greatness , in a speech that would become part of the American canon .

  2. 老波士顿人都选择猫在家里看电视转播。

    Most Bostonian choose to watch the firework on TV at home .

  3. 一两年前,《洋葱新闻》(theOnion)登过一篇文章,讽刺波士顿人假装自己是生活在一座大城市里。

    Boston A couple of years ago , The Onion ran a satirical piece about Bostonians pretending to live in a big city .

  4. 人们希望,它甚至不会改变波士顿人对该市众多体育赛事的心情。这些赛事才是波士顿人真正关心的,红袜队(RedSox)的主场芬威球场(FenwayPark)不啻于该市的光明大教堂。

    not even , one hopes , the public 's state of mind at all the sporting events that constitute the city 's true calendar of devotion , with Fenway Park , where the Red Sox baseball team play , its cathedral of light .

  5. 我们可能认为这是波士顿人的本性。

    Here , we may think , is the typical Boston inwardness .

  6. 我们这里提到的几个新英格兰人,严格地说并不是波士顿人。

    We are concerned with some New Englanders who were not strictly speaking Bostonians .

  7. 许多波士顿人爱到缅因州去度暑假。

    Many people in Boston like to go Down East for their summer vocation .

  8. 糖浆(一种糖类产品)烤豆成为波士顿人最爱的美食。

    Beans baked in molasses a sugar product became a favorite food in the city .

  9. 你甚至都不是波士顿人

    You 're not even from Boston .

  10. 一个来自爱达荷洲的农村男孩,可能为哈佛大学带来一个波士顿人无法提供的东西。

    A farm boy from Idaho can bring something to Harvard College that a Bostonian cannot offer .

  11. 在新英格兰,撇开波士顿人的圈子不论,更是如此。

    In New England , if we except a circle of Bostonians , this has been especially true .

  12. 与此同时,波士顿人正努力对付10英尺高的雪堆,“冻僵”了的交通系统,以及无时不在的冰柱坠落的危险。

    Meanwhile , in Boston people are grappling with 10ft-high snowdrifts , a frozen transit system and the constant danger of falling icicles .

  13. 雅夏顿时不耐烦起来。优雅的演说;有教养的波士顿人;品位高雅;优雅的老妇人;上流社会。

    Yasha promptly lost his patience . cultivated speech ; cultured Bostonians ; cultured tastes ; a genteel old lady ; polite society .

  14. 多年来阿伦和波士顿人互相看不顺眼,但是皮尔斯本周在中国与雷阿伦终于言归于好

    Allen and Boston didn 't see eye-to-eye for years , but Pierce finally buried the hatchet with Allen in China this weekend .

  15. 下一刻,这个53岁的波士顿人跳过路障,直冲进刺鼻的烟雾中。当时的他戴了一顶牛仔帽,好像是一个西部英雄。

    In the next moment , the 53-year-old from Boston was vaulting a barricade and racing straight into the acrid cloud , wearing a cowboy hat like some Western hero .

  16. 突然怒放的木兰花让波士顿人看呆了。我曾在波士顿生活多年。这座城市一向内敛严肃,这波突如其来的花潮与其气质格格不入。

    Bostonians , of which I was one for many years , come to gawk at the sudden shamelessness of the flowering , so at odds with the city 's customary inwardness and severity .

  17. 因为禁令,曾经是波士顿人的麦克斯威尼说,人们开始去外卖店把烈酒带回家,他们可以一边看足球比赛,一边喝酒、抽烟。

    As a result of the ban , said Mr. McSweeney , a former Bostonian , people started going to the take-aways to bring their hooch home , where they could watch soccer on the telly , and have their drink and smoke .

  18. 阿伦随波士顿凯尔特人和迈阿密热火队夺得过2次NBA总冠军,并10次入选NBA全明星。

    Allen won two NBA championships with the Boston Celtics and Miami Heat , and made 10 All-Star Games .

  19. 每一年,他的湖人都和比尔-拉塞尔的波士顿凯尔特人在NBA总决赛舞台上碰撞,而韦斯特输掉了6次。

    Annually , his Lakers clashed with Bill Russell 's Boston Celtics in the NBA Finals and West lost six times .

  20. 现年34岁的科林斯在过去的赛季中为波士顿凯尔特人队和华盛顿的巫师队效力;科林斯在他12年的职业生涯中,曾经在6支NBA球队中打过球。

    The 34-year-old Collins played the past season with the Boston Celtics and Washington Wizards and has played for six NBA teams during his 12-year career .

  21. 勇士队进入季后赛,希望成为自20世纪60年代波士顿凯尔特人队以来第一支连续五次进入NBA总决赛的球队。

    The Warriors head into this playoff run hoping to become the first team since the 1960s Boston Celtics to go to the NBA Finals five straight times .

  22. 今天,波士顿凯尔特人将前往迈阿密,为NBA常规赛的首场比赛做准备,同时也要尽力对抗风暴的袭击。

    And the Boston Celtics are flying to Miami today and set off tomorrow for their first road trip of the NBA season in an effort to beat the storm .

  23. 之后,他和保罗·皮尔斯以及雷·阿伦组队,使波士顿凯尔特人队重新成为东部强队,并最终战胜洛杉矶湖人队,成为了2008年的NBA总冠军。

    He later teamed with Paul Pierce and Ray Allen to revive the Boston Celtics as an Eastern Conference power , winning an NBA title in 2008 over the Los Angeles Lakers .

  24. 在上周六对阵波士顿凯尔特人队的比赛之前,13年了,没有一个球员在NBA拉斯维加斯夏季联赛的历史上有过三双的记录。

    No player had recorded a triple-double in the 13-year history of the NBA 's Las Vegas Summer League before Ball had one last Saturday against the Boston Celtics . Is Lonzo Next ?

  25. 2010年,曾为明尼苏达森林狼队、新泽西网队、菲尼克斯太阳队、纽约尼克斯队和波士顿凯尔特人队效力的马布里结束了在NBA的征战,去中国重新开始。

    In 2010 , Mr. Marbury , who had played for the Minnesota Timberwolves , New Jersey Nets , Phoenix Suns , New York Knicks and Boston Celtics , wrapped up his N.B.A. years and went to China to start anew .

  26. 现役球员很难在波士顿凯尔特人这支有丰富底蕴的球队中获得一席之地,但是保罗·皮尔斯,凯文·加内特和雷·阿伦组成的“三巨头”做到了,他们联手赢得了2008年的NBA总冠军。

    It 's hard for players now to secure a place in the deep Boston Celtics lore , but Paul Pierce , Kevin Garnett and Ray Allen did earn their spot in Celtics history by winning the 2008 NBA title as the Big Three .

  27. 在2017-18赛季,詹姆斯打了所有82场比赛,加上季后赛的沉重的上场时间,在与波士顿凯尔特人的东决G7中打满了48分钟。

    In the 2017-18 season , James played all 82 games , plus heavy minutes in the playoffs , logging all 48 minutes in a Game 7 win at the Boston Celtics in the Eastern Conference finals .

  28. 除了创办赛事的两个合伙人亚历杭德罗•阿加格和恩里克•巴纽埃洛斯的投资之外,波士顿凯尔特人队和旧金山49人队的股东CausewayPartners公司也为赛事投资了2000万美元。

    In addition to the $ 100 million that founding partners Alejandro Agag and Enrique banuelos have committed to invest , Boston / Silicon Valley-based Causeway partners , which has ownership stakes in the Boston Celtics and San Francisco 49ers , invested $ 20 million in the series .

  29. 去年夏天,欧文同波士顿凯尔特人队分道扬镳,与布鲁克林篮网队签约。

    Irving left Boston to sign with Brooklyn last summer .

  30. 香港喜欢这个大胆泼辣、冷酷无情的波士顿爱尔兰人。

    Hong Kong liked this daring cold-blooded Boston Irishman .