
  • 网络The Art of the Novel;the art of fiction
  1. 除此之外,亨利·詹姆斯也对小说的艺术做出了大量的实践,在创作方法上对小说进行了革新。

    Henry James has made lots of experiments upon the art of fiction to innovate the writing technique .

  2. 析亨利·詹姆斯心理现实主义的心理学来源&从分析《小说的艺术》出发(英文)浅析科学知识社会学的理论来源与核心

    On Psychological Source of Psychological Realism in Henry James & from The Art of Fiction A Brief Analysis of the Theoretical Origination and Essence of Sociology of Scientific Knowledge

  3. 第三部分主要分析了昆德拉小说的艺术特征。

    The third part mainly analyses the artistic features of Kundera .

  4. 论时空意识与张爱玲小说的艺术魅力

    On Space-time Consciousness and Artistic Charm of Eileen Chang 's Novels

  5. 论王蒙意识流小说的艺术真实性

    The Artistic Reality of Wang Meng 's Stream of Consciousness Works

  6. 接下来,对新笔记小说的艺术资源进行了简要的梳理。

    Then , we briefly trace the artistic sources of new note-novel .

  7. 并对玄幻小说的艺术价值与缺失做了分析。

    And the fantasy novel artistic value and drawbacks are also analyzed .

  8. 吴趼人写情小说的艺术是卓立不凡的。

    Wu Jianren 's romantic novels has acquired great achievement on art .

  9. 探析沈从文小说的艺术特征

    An Analysis of Artistic Features of Shen Cong-wen 's Novels

  10. 从接受美学看鲁迅小说的艺术魅力

    The Artistic Charm of LUXun 's Novels from the Aesthetics of Reception

  11. 为张爱玲小说的艺术形式寻根

    To inquire deeply into the artistic form of Zhang Ailing 's novels

  12. 论孙犁小说的艺术风格

    On the Art Style of Sun Li ′ s Novels

  13. 简论四十年代海派小说的艺术个性

    Discussion on artistic individuality of Shanghai-style fiction in 1940 's

  14. 伍尔夫在小说的艺术表现形式方面,表现出非常独特的创造性和开拓性。

    Woolf 's novels are unique , creative and pioneering .

  15. 你不得不佩服她小说的艺术性。

    You have to admire the artistry of her novels .

  16. 新笔记小说的艺术渊源可从3个方面去考察。

    The artistic origin of New Jottings may be viewed from three traditions .

  17. 张爱玲小说的艺术特色

    The Artistic Features of Zhang Ailing 's Novels Hussein

  18. 同时还简述了这部小说的艺术价值和目的。

    The artistic value and the purpose of the novel are also surveyed .

  19. 小说的艺术结构有表达上的美学潜势。

    Fiction ′ s artistic structure may have the aesthetic power of expression .

  20. 第二部分探讨的是颖河小说的艺术形式。

    The art form of these novels is discussed in the second part .

  21. 谈海明威短篇小说的艺术魅力

    The Artistic Characteristics of Hemingway 's Short Stories

  22. 创作手法的革新是这部小说的艺术特色之一。

    An innovation of the style of fiction is one of its artistic features .

  23. 就《动物农庄》和《一九八四》看奥威尔政治小说的艺术性

    On the Art of Orwell Political Novels from Animal Farm , Nineteen Eighty Four

  24. 将其总结为三个基本方面:一是中短篇小说的艺术。

    First the art of middle short story .

  25. 王晓玉小说的艺术风格

    The Artistic Style in Wang Xiao-yu 's Novels

  26. 论师陀小说的艺术风格

    The Artistic Style of Shi Tuo 's Novel

  27. 莫泊桑中短篇小说的艺术成就

    Maupassant 's Artistic Achievement in His Medium-length Stories

  28. 从《尤利西斯》看意识流小说的艺术特征

    Artistic Features of Stream-of-Consciousness Novels Viewed from Ulysses

  29. 她间离了小说的艺术空间,以不完全的叙述,强化了艺术空白;

    She seperates the artistic space while strengthens the artistic blank with the incomplete narration ;

  30. 库切小说的艺术特色及其笔下的南非

    The Art Characteristics and South Africa in Coetzee 's Fiction On J.M. Coetzee 's Disgrace