
  • The Little Mermaid;Ariel;under the sea
  1. 小美人鱼不太高兴,因为她等不及了。

    The little mermaid wasn 't happy because she didn 't want to wait .

  2. 其中,最耳熟能详的当然是《小美人鱼》(TheLittleMermaid)、《狮子王》(TheLionKing)和《美女与野兽》(BeautyandtheBeast)。

    There was the little mermaid , the lion king , beauty and the beast , and many others .

  3. 每当夜幕降临时,小美人鱼都会幻想那个陌生的国度,然后沉沉睡去。

    So every night , when it 's time to sleep , she dreams of this land and then falls a sleep .

  4. 这些学校面向1至11岁的儿童,教授课程的老师由米老鼠、小美人鱼(littlemermaid)以及迪士尼其它角色担任。

    The schools are open to children aged one to 11 and use a curriculum featuring Mickey Mouse , the little mermaid and other Disney characters .

  5. 所以,她决定拿起麦克风,为汉弗莱演唱《小美人鱼》(TheLittleMermaid)的主题曲《吻她》(KisstheGirl)。在引吭高歌之际,她突然双膝跪地,请汉弗莱嫁给她。

    So she decided to grab a microphone and serenade Ms. Humphrey with a karaoke rendition of " Kiss the Girl , " from " The Little Mermaid . " After belting out the tune , she dropped to both knees and asked Ms. Humphrey to marry her .

  6. 新华社报道称,丹麦税务部部长波尔森(TroelsLundPoulsen)在周日的揭幕仪式上表示,把小美人鱼雕像带到上海是为了表达丹麦对中国的尊敬。

    Xinhua news agency reported that Denmark 's Minister of Taxation Troels Lund Poulsen said at a ceremony to unveil the statue Sunday that the mermaid had been brought to Shanghai to show his country 's dedication to China .

  7. 此外,她的复制品出现在世界各地。在美国密歇根州格林维尔镇一年一度的丹麦节上,小美人鱼雕像的复制品和由乐高积木(Lego)搭成的安徒生雕像相伴出现。乐高积木同样原产于丹麦。

    In addition , replicas of her have popped up across the world , including in Greenville , Michigan , where it forms part of the town 's annual Danish Festival , along with a statue of Andersen -- made of Lego pieces , a product that originated in Denmark .

  8. 小美人鱼问了她的姊姊们和奶奶很多问题。

    The little mermaid asked her sisters and grandmother many questions .

  9. 会让小美人鱼长出腿来,把她变成人类。

    It would give the mermaid legs and make her human .

  10. 哦,小美人鱼,为什么你的眼里噙满泪水?

    Oh , Little Mermaid , why are you in tears ?

  11. 小美人鱼游到海滩附近的几块岩石旁。

    The little mermaid swam to some rocks near the beach .

  12. 每一天,小美人鱼都会游回岸边。

    Every day , the little mermaid returned to the beach .

  13. 小美人鱼游向王子的宫殿。

    The little mermaid swam to the prince 's palace .

  14. 王子邀请小美人鱼也参加。

    The prince invites the little mermaid to come to the party .

  15. 看这件刻有小美人鱼的玻璃器皿。

    Look at this glass etching of the Little Mermaid .

  16. 但他却再也没出现过,因此小美人鱼很不开心。

    He was never there , so she was unhappy .

  17. 现在去睡吧,我的小美人鱼。

    Now , go to sleep , my little mermaid .

  18. 为什么您会被邀请搬移小美人鱼?

    Why were you selected to move the Little Mermaid ?

  19. 之后,小美人鱼每晚都跟她们见面。

    After that , the little mermaid met her sisters every night .

  20. 我的意思是,他们想把小美人鱼怎样呢?

    I mean , what would they do with her ?

  21. 贝壳的旁边住着小美人鱼

    and roof of cockleshells lives a little mermaid . "

  22. 小美人鱼暂时开心了一下。

    The little mermaid felt happy for a short time .

  23. 曾几何时,有一个名为沙龙的小美人鱼。

    Once upon a time there was a little mermaid named Ariel .

  24. 小美人鱼则是弄成太阳的形状。

    The little mermaid made hers into the shape of a sun .

  25. 小美人鱼把王子带到岸边。

    The little mermaid took the prince to shore .

  26. 小美人鱼从海面上升起。

    The little mermaid rose out of the sea .

  27. 刀子在小美人鱼的手中发抖。

    The knife quivered in the mermaid 's hand .

  28. 您以前有参与过涉及小美人鱼的工作吗?

    Have you worked with the Little Mermaid before ?

  29. 小美人鱼雕像于1913年完成,这样算来她是一位老太太了。

    She is a rather old lady from 1913 .

  30. 小美人鱼就快死掉了。

    Soon , the little mermaid would die .