
xiǎo kǒu jìnɡ bù qiānɡ
  • small-bore rifle;long rifle
  1. 我又派人去把我的小口径步枪取来,朝它的心脏和喉咙里开了一枪又一枪。

    I sent back for my small rifle and poured shot after shot into his heart and down his throat .

  2. 小口径步枪的成绩受科里奥利力的影响显著,且随纬度的增加影响程度变大;

    Competition results of small-calibre rifles were affected by Coriolis force significantly , and the higher degree of latitude the more affected .

  3. 探讨重力、科里奥利力和不同等级风速对小口径步枪、男子速射、女子慢加速3种射击项目中子弹轨迹偏转的影响程度。

    How bullet trajectory deflection shooting during three projects of small-calibre rifles , male rapid fire and the female slowly accelerate affected by gravity , Coriolis force and different levels of wind speed were explored .

  4. 风速大于4级时,将影响小口径步枪项目的成绩,随风速的增加影响程度变大,风速较小时,可以不考虑这方面的因素;

    The results of small-calibre rifles would be affected if wind speed greater than 4-level , and the bigger of wind speed the more affected . These factors were not considered if wind speed smaller .

  5. 介绍了新型小口径步枪封存包装在二种典型气候条件下,开展自然环境贮存试验9个月的试验情况,利用人工模拟环境加速试验等手段,分析了失效模式与失效机理。

    The nine-month environmental storage test of packaging of new type minor caliber rifle in two representative climate condition was introduced . The failure mode and mechanism was analyzed by simulative environmental test and accelerated test .

  6. 采用在典型自然环境试验站长期贮存试验和实验室霉菌试验方式,研究评价了3种不同封存包装对新型小口径步枪的长贮防霉性能。

    The capability of three packaging ways of new type minor caliber rifle that protect the rifle from mildew for long term was investigated and evaluated by long-term storage tests in representative environmental stations and simulative environmental tests in laboratory .

  7. 警方认为,这条宠物狗刚好跳到一支.22小口径手动单发步枪的扳机上,“导演”了这场离奇事故。

    Police believe the animal stood on the trigger of a.22 bolt-action rifle in a freak accident .