
xiǎo lǐ bài tánɡ
  • chapel;oratory
  1. 教堂旁边或其走廊内的附属小礼拜堂。

    A small chapel off the side aisle of a church .

  2. 一部楼梯以及电梯将这些与楼下的小礼拜堂连接起来。

    A stairway and elevator connect these spaces to the chapel below .

  3. 由拉菲尔开始,而贝尼尼完成的小礼拜堂。

    This is Chigi Chapel , Bernini finished the job begun by Raphael .

  4. 天使圣玛丽小礼拜堂,鹿特丹,荷兰

    Chapel of Saint Mary of the angels , rotterdam , the netherlands , 2001

  5. 小礼拜堂里出奇的安静。

    It was eerily quiet in the chapel .

  6. 它的走廊和则面的小礼拜堂是直到19世纪末才加上去的。

    Porches and side chapels were added up to the end of the19th century .

  7. 管理小礼拜堂的仪式。

    A service conducted in a chapel .

  8. 枯橡树附近的小礼拜堂里的金杯除了什么事?

    What happened to the bowl that was in the chapel near the broken oak ?

  9. 就在小礼拜堂的对面。

    It 's opposite the chapel .

  10. 我们来到小礼拜堂。

    We came to the chapel .

  11. 因此,这对夫妇选择在教堂的一个叫做小礼拜堂的小房间里成婚。

    So the couple was married in a small room in a church called a chapel .

  12. 平日里用于清洁枪支的小礼拜堂如今已经撒上了红色的玫瑰花瓣。

    The chapel room , normally used for cleaning guns , had been scattered with red rose petals .

  13. 拉斯维加斯婚礼图片。结婚派对摆姿势在旧式的拉斯维加斯霓虹灯片刻以前在结婚典礼在附近一个小礼拜堂之后。

    A wedding party poses before a vintage Las Vegas neon sign moments after the marriage ceremony at a nearby chapel .

  14. 另外祭坛后面的两个光柱把自然光引入小礼拜堂。

    Two light shafts bring in the light the behind the altar and also admits light into the mortuary chapel below .

  15. 其它主要的遗迹包括剑桥国王学院的小礼拜堂(1446~1515),以及西敏寺内亨利七世的小礼拜堂。

    Other major monuments include King 's College Chapel , Cambridge ( 1446-1515 ), and the chapel of Henry VII in Westminster Abbey .

  16. 这座美丽的乡村宅邸里,小礼拜堂后面是一座大公园,草地上有绵羊在吃草。那是简的母亲与姐姐的墓地。

    Behind the chapel of this impressive country home , set in a large sheep-dotted park , are the graves of Jane 's mother and sister .