
  • 网络Anson;anson chan
  1. “作为一个候选人,陈方安生的这一做法大大出乎我的意料,这肯定会影响她在选民中的形象,”张楚勇说。

    " Far , far more than I expected have reservations about Anson as a candidate , and that certainly may affect her performance ," said Cheung .

  2. 陈方安生否认张敏仪调职是基于政治压力。

    Mrs Chan dismissed claims Miss Cheung was forced out because of political pressure .

  3. 陈方安生表示,英国出于对经贸关系的关切而屈服于中国的压力。

    Mrs Chan said Britain was caving in to pressure from China because of concern for the impact on trade relations .

  4. 四月间,陈方安生应温哥华贸易局及港加商会的邀请,出访温哥华。

    In April , Mrs Chan visited Vancouver at the invitation of the Vancouver Board of Trade and the Hong Kong Canada Business Association .

  5. 测量膨胀、孔率、表面张力或粘度用测量仪陈方安生否认张敏仪调职是基于政治压力。

    Measuring apparatus for measuring expansion , porosity , surface tension , viscosity Mrs Chan dismissed claims Miss Cheung was forced out because of political pressure .

  6. 陈方安生说,极不寻常的是,英国政府只是提到白皮书的存在,而不对其内容采取任何立场。

    Ms Chan said it was extraordinary that the British government has seen fit simply to refer to the existence of the white paper without taking a stance on the content .