
  • 网络Michael Suen;Suen Ming-yeung
  1. 现在,孙明扬的说法显示政府预见到变化即将发生,适龄学童入学人数即将回升。

    What Michael Suen has said shows the government foresees a change-that the number of school-agers will soon go up again .

  2. 教育统筹司孙明扬辩护政府的建议,改变自己的语言政策的中学。

    The Education Secretary , Michael Suen , has defended the government 's proposal to change its language policy in secondary schools .

  3. 若不能排除书商有这样的盘算,则孙明扬昨日的说法,就不足以显示政府的决心。

    This possibility cannot be ruled out . Therefore , what Michael Suen said yesterday is not sufficient to demonstrate the government 's determination .

  4. 政制事务局局长孙明扬在黄泥涌市政大厦室内运动场投票站投票及会晤新闻界。

    Secretary for constitutional affairs , Mr Michael suen , cast vote and spoke to the press at Wong Nai Chung complex indoor games hall .

  5. 去年十一月,房屋及规划地政局局长孙明扬发表其孙九招时,曾表示那是政府最后一次改变房屋政策。

    When , last November , housing chief Michael Suen Ming-yeung unveiled his nine-point plan to stop the slump in property prices , he suggested this would be the government 's final shift in housing policy .

  6. 问责官员的民望,各人的评分排名可算变化不大,但杨永强及孙明扬则分别跌至榜末及接近榜末,明显是受到沙士调查和出售红湾半岛事件有关。

    As for the popularity of principal officials , their relative rankings have been rather stable , except that Yeoh Eng-kiong and Michael Suen have fallen to the bottom and near-bottom of the ladder , obviously due to the SARS investigation and the sale of Hunghom peninsula .