首页 / 词典 / good

  • Sun;grandson;generations below that of the grandchild;second growth of plants
  • 儿子的儿子:~子。~女。

  • 跟孙子同辈的亲属:外~。侄~(侄儿的子女)。

  • 孙子以后的各代:曾(zēng )~(孙子的子女)。玄~(曾孙的子女)。子~(儿子和孙子,泛指后代)。王~(贵族的子孙后代)。

  • 植物再生成孳生的:~竹(竹的枝根末端所生的竹)。

  • 姓。

  • 古同“逊”。


(孙子) grandson:

  • 长孙

    eldest grandson


(孙子以后的各代) generations below that of the grandchild:

  • 玄孙


  • 曾孙



(植物再生或孳生的) second growth of plants:

  • 孙竹

    new shoots of bamboo from the old stump


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 孙武

    Sun Wu

  1. 希伯来人牧首(patriarch),以撒(Isaac)之子,亚伯拉罕之孙,以色列人传统上以他为祖先。

    Hebrew patriarch , son of Isaac and grandson of Abraham , and the traditional ancestor of the people of Israel .

  2. 但是,Zippo的董事长、公司创始人之孙乔治·杜克称,Zippo一直未能在意大利以外的市场成功拓展这项手包业务。

    But George Duke . Zippo 's chairman and a grandson of the founder . says Zippo hasn 't been very successful in expanding the handbag business outside Italy .

  3. 哈得孙河下的高速公路隧道

    the motorway tunnels under the Hudson river .

  4. 会上老孙先发言,其次是小白。

    Lao sun spoke first at the meeting , followed by Xiao bai .

  5. 孙:能再给我一杯水吗?

    Sun : Can I have another glass of water ?

  6. 孙先生,我是ABC公司的史密斯女士。

    Mr. Sun , this is Mrs Smith at ABC .

  7. 早,我是孙david,本来是要从今天起订房三天的。

    Good morning . My name is David Sun and I should be booked there for three nights starting today .

  8. 利用有限差分方程得出磨块座的横向自由振动频率,并通过李却德孙外推法修正K值。

    Natural frequency of transverse vibration of the grinding block holder was obtained , according to the finite difference equations of grinding block holder . K was revised by extrapolation method .

  9. 用孙氏综合法进行LD50实验。

    In addition , SY Shun ′ s method was used in LD 50 test .

  10. 用MSS卫星图象分析孙水河流域泥石流群体的宏观发育规律

    Analysing the Macroscopic Growth Regularity of the Debris Groups at Sun-Shui River Basin by Means of MSS Satellite Image

  11. 其中包括拿破仑·希尔(NapoleonHill)的《思考致富》,尼科洛·马基雅维利(NiccoloMachiavelli)的《君主论》,以及孙武写的《孙子兵法》。

    These include Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill , The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli and The Art of War by Sun Tzu .

  12. 那次案件里,只身一人的持枪劫匪冲进了名为ChinaWok的中餐馆,向在那儿工作的53岁的孙英(音译)因为不会说英语,因而没有回应劫匪的要求,劫匪后来开枪打中了孙英。

    In that case , a single gunman stormed into a China Wok and shot 53-year-old Ying Sun , who was working there , when she didn 't respond to his demands because she didn 't speak English .

  13. 中国运动员在传统上由西方人把持的体育项目中取得成就的话,会获得特别的景仰:看看跨栏运动的刘翔、NBA里的姚明,以及如今纵横奥运会泳池的孙杨。

    Chinese athletes who excel in sports that the West traditionally dominates have a special place in the pantheon : See Liu Xiang in the high hurdles , Yao Ming in the N.B.A. and now Sun Yang in the Olympic swimming pool .

  14. 计数结果差异比较采用χ2Test孙氏直接概率法,组间计量结果比较采用t检验。

    Comparison of difference of counting result was performed with χ 2 test , inter-group result with Student 's t-test .

  15. 采用RFPA数值分析软件,对孙村矿深部近距离煤层上行开采条件下,上位煤层回采巷道的应力环境进行了分析;

    Under the condition of close distance coal seams ascending mining in Suncun coal mine , using RFPA numerical analysis software , we analyzed the stress environment of the upper coal seam .

  16. 孙杨曾一度看起来无法打破Hackett的世界纪录,因为他在分段世界纪录当中始终没能达到破纪录的标准,但是在最后300米的时候大家发现孙杨的速度明显加快,最终达到世界纪录的水平。

    Sun had looked unlikely to break Hackett 's record as he was slipping consistently outside the world record split times until the final 300 metres when he noticeably accelerated his pace .

  17. 该报告作者,信息系统教授瓦桑特达尔(vasantdhar)和助理教授阿伦孙达拉贾(arunsundararajan)表示,近一半的受访院长认为,信息技术对加速全球化进程有决定作用,也是创造财富的重要因素。

    Nearly half the deans interviewed believed it was central to accelerating globalisation and was a significant contributor to wealth creation , according to vasant DHAR , Professor of information systems , and Arun sundararajan , assistant professor , the authors of the report .

  18. 孙樵古文理论概述

    The Outline of Sun Qiao 's Theory on Ancient Chinese Prose

  19. 金文之外,孙氏又涉及甲骨文研究。

    Outside the bronze inscription , he also involves Oracle study .

  20. 我相信,任何祖孙间都曾留下催人泪下的故事。

    I believe that any grandparents and children have touching stories .

  21. 你为什么不对我们孙家的祖宗行礼?

    Why don 't you pay respects to the Sun ancestors ?

  22. 孙:是因为我们昨晚配合得很好。

    Sun : I think we cooperated very well last night .

  23. 孙吴子书的政治取向及其对孙吴文学的影响

    Political Orientation of Articles in Wu Kingdom and Their Literary Influence

  24. 孙氏修道养生观是对自组织理论的自觉运用。

    The Tao regimen is a self-using to self-organization theory .

  25. 简论抗战前孙科的立法主张和实践

    Commentary on Legislative Thought and Practice of Sun Ke before Anti-Japanese War

  26. 孙侦探摇了摇头,似有无限的感慨。

    Detective Sun shook his head as if deeply moved .

  27. 孙:不管怎么说,西方国家在科学和技术上是先进的。

    Anyway , the Western countries are advanced in science and technology .

  28. 他们的祖先之一就是乌孙人?

    One of their ancestors * was a Wusun man ?

  29. 孙小姐这一班决不能再教了。

    Miss sun can 't go on teaching that class .

  30. 格林先生,请允许我介绍一下孙先生。

    Mr. Green , allow me to introduce Mr. Sun .