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  • son-in-law;husband
婿 [xù]
  • 丈夫:夫~。

  • 女儿、妹妹及其他晚辈的丈夫:女~。妹~。侄~。甥~。贤~。翁~。


(女婿) son-in-law:

  • 翁婿

    father-in-law and son-in-law


(丈夫) husband:

  • 夫婿


  • 妹婿

    younger sister's husband

  1. 今天是出嫁女儿回娘家的日子,因丈夫也要同行,所以也称“迎婿日”。

    Married daughters visit their parents with their husbands on this day , so this day is also called " welcome son-in-law day . "

  2. 党包括军队中的车兵将领及步兵之帅,还包括大夫之弟、有采邑者、世家大族之婿以及武士。

    Party , including army of the chariots generals and the commander of the infantry , also including the younger brother of the doctor , the fief , aristocratic families of the son-in-law as well as samurai .

  3. 最重要的是,我想钓得一个金龟婿。

    Most of all I want to snare a husband

  4. 《愿嫁金龟婿》(howtomarryamillionaire)之类的好莱坞经典影片强调了一个信息,即嫁给年长的有钱人不是幸福的保证。

    Hollywood classics such ashow to marry a millionairehave hammered home the message that hunting for a rich older man is no guarantee of happiness .

  5. 中文中,身份高贵、经济条件优越的丈夫被称为“金龟婿”(在英国和美国,这种人被称作“sugardaddy”)。很多年轻女性都梦想找到一位金龟婿。

    In Chinese , the word Jinguixu refers to a wealth , prestigious husband ( or " sugar daddy " in the US and UK ) and some young women dream of finding one .

  6. 那个年轻女人决心钓个金龟婿。

    The young woman was determined to hook a rich husband .

  7. 头一件事就是为小妹选婿。

    It 's my duty to find her a good husband .

  8. 这水库能蓄(婿)水二千万立方米。

    This reservoir has a storage capacity of20 million cubic meters .

  9. 上大学的目的是为了钓金龟婿。

    But the purpose of university is to find a suitable husband .

  10. 我母亲希望我能藉此学会如何引来金龟婿。

    My mother wanted me to get an education in attracting a rich husband .

  11. 传统框架中的现代性调适&河北省平安村1949年后的招婿婚姻

    Modern Adaptation in a Traditional Culture Frame : Uxorilocal marriage in Ping'an Village since 1949

  12. 她钓了一个金龟婿。

    She netted a rich husband .

  13. 下面是我们的职业建议,或许能帮你谋得“金龟婿”哦!

    Here are some careers suggestions .

  14. 从1992年开始,人们把这项古代“选婿”活动变成了一项趣味比赛,并每年举行一次。

    The contest was revived in this new form in1992 and has been held every year since .

  15. 在为姑娘择婿时,主妇也起着重要的,而且往往是决定性的作用。

    She also has an important and often a decisive voice in the choice of husbands for the girls .

  16. 通俗文学中绣球卜婿的情节模式

    The model of plot mentioned a ball made of rolled coloured silk to choose son-in - law in the popular literature

  17. 她的双亲自然要物色一位财势兼备的金龟婿,来确保女儿未来的社会地位。

    Naturally , her parents are searching for a wealthy , well-appointed husband to assure their daughter 's future social standing .

  18. 有这样一则故事:一个富人为其独生女儿选婿,而求婚者众多。

    Here is another story : There was a rich man who was selecting a husband for his only child amongst a multitude of pursuers .

  19. 这项典型的英式活动曾是年轻女孩踏入宫廷的大好机会,她们可在舞会上找到门当户对的金龟婿。

    The quintessentially English event was intended as an opportunity for young girls to be presented at court where they might find a future husband from a suitable bloodline .

  20. 现在一个趋势是钓金龟婿对女孩来说能过上衣食无忧且稳定的生活,并且不需要辛苦的努力、付出较少的代价。

    The trend is that gold-digging is a better way for girls to live a more wealthy , stable life without too much hard work and at a lower price .

  21. 当然,中国女人这么做也不是没有回报的,她们清楚地知道,自己越漂亮,钓到“金龟婿”的可能性也就越大。

    Of course , Chinese women don 't do this without any reward and they are clear that the more beautiful they are , the more possible they could marry rich men .

  22. 中文中,身份高贵、经济条件优越的丈夫被称为“金龟婿”(在英国和美国,这种人被称作“sugardaddy”)。很多年轻女性都梦想找到一位金龟婿。

    In Chinese , the word Jinguixu refers to a wealth , prestigioushusband ( or " sugar daddy " in the US and UK ) and some young womendream of finding one .

  23. 现在越来越多的女性不再想着找“金龟婿”了,而是倾向于找“经济适用男”(简称“经适男”)做老公。

    More and more women now tend to seek a " budget husband " instead of wealthy men just as home buyers now look for budget houses rather than villas during the economic crisis .

  24. 为推进国家政治与意识形态领域的统一,唐太宗制定了一系列氏族政策,如皇室婚姻中,王妃、主婿皆取当世勋贵名臣家,未尝尚山东旧族;

    In order to advance the unification of politics and ideology , Tang Tai Zong made out a series of clan policies , for example , in royalty marriage , " the princess and the emperor 's son-in-law were from dignitary 's families , not from scholar-bureaucrats in eastern area ";
