
  • 网络This Christmas
  1. 乔丹自有品牌的运动衫、T恤衫和帽子系列将于今年圣诞节上市。

    Jordan 's own-label collection of sweatshirts , T-shirts and caps will be available this Christmas .

  2. 烧烤聚会是澳大利亚人最喜爱的休闲社交活动,但这种活动时常因禁火令而无法举办,OneEarthDesigns希望到今年圣诞节时,能见到许多澳大利亚人改为举办太阳能烧烤聚会。

    With frequent fire bans restricting the nation 's favourite social pastime , it hopes that this Christmas will see many Australians switching to a solar barbie .

  3. 《纽约邮报》(TheNewYorkPost)报道称,苹果(Apple)希望在今年圣诞节前推出电视流媒体服务,不过它目前在组织内容方面遇到了麻烦。

    The New York Post reports that apple ( AAPL ) is having trouble lining up content for a TV streaming service it wants to launch by Christmas .

  4. 苹果(Apple)正忙于在今年圣诞节购物季来临前推出一款便携式平板电脑,娱乐业希望这将掀起一场新的革命。

    Apple is racing to offer a portable tablet-sized computer in time for the Christmas shopping season , in what the entertainment industry hopes will be a new revolution .

  5. BBC宣布了由由科林-摩根、理查德威尔逊主演的魔幻剧将会有一个自然和戏剧的结局并于今年圣诞节以两集连播的形式与观众做最后的告别。

    The BBC has announced the fantasy drama - which stars Colin Morgan and Richard Wilson - will reach a ' natural and dramatic end ' with a two-part finale this Christmas .

  6. 想象一下,在今年圣诞节,女王、教皇,甚至奥普拉•温芙瑞(OprahWinfrey)宣布,从2015年开始圣诞节将成为一个纯粹的宗教节日。

    Imagine that this Christmas day , the Queen , the Pope and even Oprah Winfrey announced that Christmas would be a purely religious occasion from 2015 onwards .

  7. 虚拟现实(VR)或许是近期最激动人心的科技发展潮流了,而它也为想要在今年圣诞节来点额外高科技乐趣的顾客们提供了多种多样的选择。

    Probably the most exciting tech development of recent times , virtual reality ( VR ) has arrived , with * ample options available to the consumer who 's searching for an extra dose of high-tech fun this Christmas .

  8. 今年圣诞节愿平和、快乐和幸福属于您。

    May peace , joy and happiness be yours this Chritmas season .

  9. 我相信这玩具将是今年圣诞节最畅销。

    I am sure this toy will be a bestseller this Christmas .

  10. 今年圣诞节传统的零售商仍然获益。

    But this Christmas should see the traditional retailers benefiting .

  11. 今年圣诞节期间电脑游戏火了一阵。

    Computer games are all the rage this christmas .

  12. 今年圣诞节你们怎么过?

    What are you doing at Christmas this year ?

  13. 今年圣诞节贺卡的全家福我们无敌啦。

    This year 's christmas card is gonna rule .

  14. 今年圣诞节可不同了,对不对,路瑟?

    It 'll be so different this christmas , won 't it , luther ?

  15. 今年圣诞节适逢星期六。

    Christmas falls on a Saturday this year .

  16. 这些礼物在今年圣诞节前夕被赠送给英国在海外驻扎的士兵们。

    They have been sent to all UK personnel on duty abroad this Christmas .

  17. 林托特教授表示,知道真相不应减弱今年圣诞节的神奇。

    Knowing the truth should not dim the magic this Christmas , said Prof Lintott .

  18. 在那里,他们将讨论今年圣诞节有可能面临的主要问题。

    There they 're going to discuss the main challenges they may face later this year .

  19. 今年圣诞节在星期一来临;这个重音落在第一个音节上。

    Christmas falls on a Monday this year ; The accent falls on the first syllable .

  20. 要是她们俩能在家为舞会增色,你今年圣诞节就可以举行舞会。

    If_they_were at home to grace the ball , a ball you would have this very Christmas .

  21. 这是今年圣诞节做的最多的事吧。

    Merry Christmas ! I say it to you , and you say the same to me .

  22. 今年圣诞节,玩具制造商们将重返旧途,重新生产那些80年代最受欢迎的玩具。

    Toy manufacturers are going back to the future with a relaunch of an Eighties favourite this Christmas .

  23. 今年圣诞节,我莫名地感到非常振奋!一位师姊兴高采烈地说道。

    I dont know why I feel so excited this christmas ! A local sister initiate joyously said .

  24. 坦然地接受你的选择,希望你能在今年圣诞节时,告诉所有人这个大学你来对了!

    Living well with your college decision means that by Christmas , your college will be your first choice .

  25. 研究显示,今年圣诞节,法国人更倾向于选送“绿色”环保礼物。

    French holiday shoppers are opting in larger numbers for " green " gifting this Christmas , studies show .

  26. 伴随着德国圣诞市场的回归,(你可以)期待今年圣诞节在诺丁汉体验到各种各样欧洲大陆才有的享受。

    Expect all manner of continental treats in Nottingham this Christmas , with the return of the German Christmas Market .

  27. 所以,今年圣诞节,记得要快乐与友善,否则鬼魂可能会在圣诞前夜拜访你!

    So , this Christmas , remember to be merry and kind , or ghosts may visit YOU on Christmas Eve !

  28. 因为经济不景气,我们决定今年圣诞节最好的办法就是互免礼物。

    For example : Due to the recession , we 've decided that degifting is the best plan for Christmas this year .

  29. 它的色块数量是普通魔方的18倍,看来今年圣诞节又有好多孩子要为解开这种新型魔方而头疼了。

    With more than 18 times more squares thanthe regular toy , the latest gadget promises to confound a whole new generationthis Christmas .

  30. 今年圣诞节最受孩子们欢迎的礼物将不是娃娃或玩具卡车,而是平板电脑。

    The hottest gift for children this Christmas is not going to be a doll or a toy truck . It is a tablet .