
  1. 今天的幸福生活得来不易。

    The happy life we have today was not easily won .

  2. 体会安妮的痛苦、珍惜今天的幸福生活。

    Experience Ann 's suffering and treasure today 's happy life .

  3. 愿你尽情享受今天的幸福和欢喜,更要得到每一个明天的奇遇良机。

    May you enjoy the fullest happiness of today and the opportunity of each tomorrow .

  4. 产生;实现?这是怎么发生的?今天的幸福来得不容易。

    How did this come about The present happy life didn 't come about easily .

  5. 努力吧,珍惜今天的幸福生活,不要放弃。

    Please try your best , cherish today 's happiness , and don 't give up .

  6. 肯定了今天的幸福,为什么要否定明天的快乐?

    Why must we deny the happiness tomorrow when today 's joy has been already confirmed ?

  7. 我们的先辈们抛头颅,洒热血,就是为了我们今天的幸福生活。

    Our forefathers sacrificed their precious lives in exchange for the happy life we are enjoying today .

  8. 你或你认识的其他人会让昨天的遭遇影响今天的幸福吗?

    Do you or does someone you know allow a past circumstance to limit today 's happiness ?

  9. 我们越想今天的幸福生活,我们就越热爱社会主义。

    The more we think the happy life of today , the more we just ardently love socialism .

  10. 在饭桌上,爷爷说:“你们要珍惜今天的幸福生活。”

    At the dinner table , Grandpa said : " you have to cherish the happy life today . "

  11. 这幅漫画是为了提醒我们今天的幸福生活和宝贵的民族遗产归功于我们祖先的奋斗,而我们,反过来,也要努力劳动来确保我们后代的幸福和平安。

    The pictures serve to remind us that the existence of our current happiness and valuable national heritage is due to the struggles of our predecessors .

  12. 他在一群追逐名利的生灵里快乐地傲然着,感恩地享受属于他今天的幸福。

    In his pursuit of fame and fortune , a group of creatures where happily proudly forward , Thanksgiving to enjoy today 's happiness belong to him .

  13. 就连经济学家也搬出那个美国老太太和中国老太太的买房故事,鼓励大家花明天的钱,享受今天的幸福生活。

    Even the economists used the example that showing difference between Americans and Chinese in house purchasing to encourage people to enjoy the happiness today with money borrowed .

  14. 他对她原只怀着感激的心情,他今天的幸福是从她那里得来的,可是遇见她总不免有些尴尬。

    He had no reasons for anything but gratitude towards her , he owed her his happiness , and yet , it was embarrassing to him to meet her .

  15. 伦敦经济学院的禅洲金泽和新加坡管理大学的诺曼·李认为,发源于古代社会的核心社交能力依然主导着我们今天的幸福。

    Satoshi Kanazawa of the London School of Economics and Norman Li of Singapore Management University propose that the core social skills developed in our ancient past still hold sway over our happiness today .

  16. 让我们为孩子们今天的幸福和明天的美好,构筑一个富有挑战而又充满关爱的社区吧。

    If I may , I would like to call for your engagement in the work of collectively building a caring and challenging BCIS community for the good of your children and the general community .

  17. 今天开始新的幸福,新的方向和新的伙伴。

    Today is the beginning of new happiness , new directions and new relationships .

  18. 在西方历史上,主要有快乐论幸福观和完善论幸福观,他们的思想被不断的继承和发扬,发展到今天的西方主观幸福感研究。

    In Western history , the main theories about happiness are happiness basic on the happy and happiness basic on the perfect . Their thinking was to inherit and carry forward , development of subjective well-being of the Western Research .

  19. 他的人生哲学不仅在当时意义重大,对于今天的中国人追求幸福同样有着很好的启发意义。

    Epicurean philosophy of life not only was significant at his times , but also inspires us a lot in our pursuit of happy life in China today .