  • hole;pit;hollow;tunnel
  • bury alive;entrap;cheat
  • 洼下去的地方:~洼。火~(喻悲惨的生活环境)。

  • 把人活埋:~杀。焚书~儒。

  • 陷害,设计使人受到损失:~害。~骗。

  • 地洞。


(洼下去的地方) hole; pit; hollow:

  • 粪坑

    manure pit;

  • 泥坑

    mud puddle;

  • 沙坑{体}

    jumping pit;

  • 水坑


  • 土坑

    (sunken) pit;

  • 一个萝卜一个坑

    one radish, one hole -- each has his own task, and there is nobody to spare;

  • 挖一个坑把垃圾埋掉。

    Dig a pit and bury the garbage.


(地洞; 地道) tunnel; pit:

  • 矿坑


  • 煤坑

    coal pit


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 坑达

    Keng Da


(古时指活埋人) bury alive:

  • 焚书坑儒

    burning of books and burying Confucianists alive in ravine


(坑害) entrap; cheat:

  • 奸商净坑人。

    The profiteers cheated people right and left.

  • 你可把我坑苦了。

    You have got me into a fix.

  • 这么做, 可坑死人了。

    It will kill me to do it this way.

  1. 爆炸在地面留下了一个巨大的坑。

    The explosion made a massive hole in the ground .

  2. 他找了个合适的地方,挖个坑,把包埋了进去。

    He found a suitable place , scraped a hole and buried the bag in it .

  3. 石头把车顶砸了个坑。

    The stone made a dent in the roof of the car .

  4. 埃里克一脚踩空,开始往坑里滑。

    Eric lost his footing and began to slide into the pit .

  5. 之后曾尝试潜入污水坑。

    An attempt was then made to dive the sump .

  6. 你正开车走着——嘭,撞到了一个坑。

    There you are driving along and wham ! You hit a pothole .

  7. 这块过去曾是农田的地1964年前一直被用作沙砾坑。

    This area of former farmland was worked as a gravel pit until 1964 .

  8. 砾石采掘坑已进行了景观美化并种上了草木,希望能吸引野禽的到来。

    The gravel pits have been landscaped and planted to make them attractive to wildfowl

  9. 他拿起一把铁锨,挖了个坑,将自己曾经珍爱的物品埋了起来。

    He took a shovel , dug a hole , and buried his once-prized possessions

  10. 男孩们挖了坑,埋了饵,这样他们就可以刺杀猎物了。

    The boys dug pits and baited them so that they could spear their prey .

  11. 大卡车从他们身旁轰隆隆开过,把路上坑凹里的脏水溅到了他们身上。

    Lorries rumbled past them , splashing them with filthy water from the potholes in the road

  12. 我出生的时候,他在埃杰顿大街我们家的园圃里挖了个坑,种了棵枫树。

    He dug a hole in our yard on Edgerton Avenue to plant a maple tree when I was born .

  13. 路上有个小坑。

    There was a small hole in the road .

  14. 狗在后院刨坑。

    The dog is digging in the backyard .

  15. 这么做,可坑死人了。

    It will kill me to do it this way .

  16. 挖一个坑把垃圾埋掉。

    Dig a pit and bury the garbage .

  17. 我们是一个萝卜一个坑,腾不出人手来。

    We 're so busy that no one can be spared for any other work .

  18. 他是一个萝卜一个坑的人,不会有什么闪失。

    He is steady and reliable , so nothing 'll go wrong .

  19. 雨后路面到处是一坑坑的积水。

    The road was filled with puddles from the rain .

  20. 史书记载这个将军如何下令他的部下坑杀降兵。

    The history book recorded how the general ordered his subordinates to bury those surrendered soldiers alive .

  21. 在挖掘位于中国中原地带的两处遗址坑时,科学家们发现了一些罐子和其他容器的碎片。

    While digging two pits at a site in the central plains of China , scientists discovered fragments from pots and vessels .

  22. 这个行星的表面布满了小块陨石留下的撞击坑

    Small meteorites have left impact craters all over the planet 's surface .

  23. 这样过了半小时,坑里的水差不多舀光了。

    At the end of half an hour the pool was nearly dry .

  24. 只一小会儿,他就在稻草间掘出了一个坑。

    In a short time he had dug a tunnel in the straw .

  25. 一只羊掉进坑里,我把它弄了出来。

    A sheep fell into a pit , and I helped it out .

  26. 他爬进坑里,完全被稻草盖住了,就此从芬的视线里消失。

    He crawled into the tunnel and disappeared from sight , completely covered with straw .

  27. 此次发现的“祭祀坑”距今约3200多年。

    The relics were uncovered in six sacrificial pits which date back over 3200 years .

  28. 她一点也不介意我们撞坏墙或是把门框碰出小坑来

    She didn 't mind that we banged into the walls and put gouges in the door jambs .

  29. “坑奶礼物”指的是某人送的非名牌礼物或者不称你心意的礼物。

    Grandma fooler is a gift from someone1 that isn 't name-brand or quite what you were expecting2 .

  30. 一旦车子掉进了坑里,司机们就别想再开出来,因为坑太深了。

    Then when they drove2 into the hole , they could not drive out because it was so deep .