
  1. 奴才及其主子还不还政与民,滚回德国马列祖宗家去。

    The slave and his master political back to people , and Go back homeland for Marx and Lenin 's Germany !

  2. 本文对不法原因给付下财产的还与不还这一核心问题进行了分析,释明了每一种原则存在的理由及其作用。

    In this paper , analyze the core issues that the return or not followed by payment for illegal reasons ; enunciate the reasons for the existence of each principle and role .

  3. 安东尼奥是个瘦小的小家伙,身体还不壮,还不能干活。

    Antonio was a puny lad , and not strong enough to work .

  4. 目前,OODBMS还不成熟,还存在一定问题和局限性。

    At present , the OODBMS technique is not mature , and present some problem and limitation .

  5. 我还不确定,还没决定呢。

    I 'm not sure . I didn 't decide yet .

  6. 这还不够吗不还不够

    Isn 't that enough ? - No. That is not enough .

  7. 他们认为孩子们还不成熟,还不能正确对待广告。

    They think that their children are not old enough to handle advertising .

  8. 你们还不省悟,还不明白吗?

    Do you still not see or understand ?

  9. 研究人员对这种关系的认识还不全面,还不到位。

    Researchers understanding of this relationship is not comprehensive , is not in place .

  10. 这种众叛亲离之势虽然还不快,还不全面,但却是空前的。

    The disintegration is not rapid , nor complete , but it is unprecedented .

  11. 我还不知道小孩子还哼哼呢

    I never known a child to hum .

  12. 他可以成一还者、不还者、或者至少成入流者。

    And he would be a once-returner , a non-returner , or at the very least a stream-winner .

  13. 但是目前对工程的建设进展情况和工程效益还不清楚。还没有一套公认有效的方法对草原沙化治理工程进行评价。

    But the current progress and benefit of the project remains unclear , there did not have an effective method to evaluate the project .

  14. 但是目前其强度设计方法还不成熟,还没有被学界广泛接受的强度设计公式。

    But so far , the design method basing on strength is immature , and no design formula has been widely accepted by the academic community .

  15. 目前,国内将放线菌应用于油菜菌核病生物防治的研究还不成熟,还需进一步研究。

    Bio-control actinomyces has a very good prospect , as at present it is still not mature in domestic research and application on sclerotinia stem rot of oilseed rape .

  16. 但是目前我国农业乡村旅游的发展机制还不成熟,还处在初级发展的阶段,没有完全适应市场化的需求。

    But the present agricultural rural tourism development mechanism still not mature , are still in the primary stage of development , not fully adapt to the market demand .

  17. 但是当前商品市场的发展还不完善,还存在许多缺陷,一些市场行为并不规范。

    But the development of commodity market is not mature enough , many defects still have existed and there has been many market behaviors that did not conform to the norm .

  18. 然而,由于我国经济社会正在转型时期,各方面的发展水平还不平衡,还无法满足广大人民群众的全面需要。

    However , for our country is going through a process of restructuring , All aspects of development level is imbalance , and unable to meet the development needs of the masses .

  19. 因此本文认为,这、那虽然已经具有一些定指标记的功能,但是发展还不成熟,还处于向定指标记发展的初级阶段。

    Consequently , we believed that " Zhe / Na " indeed has some functions that belong to definite markings , but they have not developed to the stage of definite markings yet .

  20. 但我也不会很绝对的说不,但目前我还不知道谁还愿意演,我也不知道在这种情况下事情会怎么发展。

    I would never say absolutely not , but at this point I don 't know who else would want to come back , I don 't know under what circumstances it would be .

  21. 特别在我国由于注空气工艺无论是实验研究还是现场应用都处于初级阶段,各项配套技术还不完善,还没有进行系统的安全评估和风险分析。

    In our country the researches and application of air injection technology is in the preliminary stage , and the backup system is not perfection , not to say the systemic safety assessment and risk Analysis .

  22. 国内工程项目管理在专业化、全方位、全过程、多位一体、实践性等方面的研究还不成熟,还不能很好地把工程项目管理理论用于生产实践。

    The study on the specialization , all-direction , whole process , multi-position , practicality and other aspects with regard to the project management is still in the early stage and not suitable for application in the practice .

  23. 与历史成本相比,由于公允价值的运用时间还不长,还存在着许多不足,虽然它具有历史成本计量属性不可替代的优越性,但也饱受争议和责难。

    Compared with the historical cost , the use of fair value is not long , there are still many disadvantages in it , although it has irreplaceable advantages , however it is also suffered debate and blame .

  24. 我不知道,我也怀疑目前为止有什么好办法来搞清楚这个问题,因为技术还不成熟或者还没便宜到保证服务业互动拥有顺畅且成本划算的自动化体验。

    I do not know , and I doubt there has been any good way of knowing until now , because technology was not mature or cheap enough to enable smooth and cost-effective automation of many service interactions .

  25. 老年大学是新生事物,从无到有到发展至今只经历了短短二十五年的时间,很多地方还不完善,还缺乏理论的指导和系统的支持和保障。

    University of the older Age is the new thing , from scratch to now with a short period of twenty-five years . So many things are not perfect , still in the lack of theoretical guidance and protection system .

  26. 在我国,目前社会主义市场机制还不完善,还处在由农业化为主向工业化为主过渡的时期,人们的物质资料还不够丰富,闲暇时间少。

    In our country , the socialist market mechanism is still not perfect at present and now is in the transition period from agriculture to industry , during which people 's material goods is not abundant enough and there is little leisure time .

  27. 妈的,家抄了几遍还不算,还把我涮到新疆玩砍土镘,一玩就是四年五年。

    Damn it , it wasn 't enough that our house was ransacked several times by the Red Guards ; they had to pack me off to Xinjiang to play about with spades and trowels , and once sent I ended up staying four , five years .

  28. 有的网站上的视频或是动画功能还不完全(还不能完全显示?)是的,但马上将会研制出对应的解决方案。

    Now there are some things that are not quite ready meaning like video , that 's in flash on many of these sites will not be available . ( sites like , not being able to pick that up ? ) Not yet , but they will come soon as apps developed .

  29. 但是刺五加皂苷单体B对心肌缺血是否起到保护作用还不清楚,目前还一直未见报道。

    But , It is not clear that Ciwujianoside-B ( Sb ) has protective effects on myocardial ischemia .

  30. 她还不知道其他人还没到

    She doesn 't know the others aren 't here yet .