
  1. 我怕是没法在今天开始了。

    I can 't seem to get started today .

  2. 他们今天开始了另一轮的谈判。

    They begin another round of negotiations today .

  3. 国会在结束夏季休会后今天开始恢复工作。

    Parliament returns to work today after its summer recess .

  4. 预计竞选活动从今天开始会日益激烈。

    Campaigning is expected to start hotting up today .

  5. 于今天开始实施的新地方税再次遭到人们愤怒的抗议。

    There has been another angry outburst against the new local tax introduced today .

  6. 从今天开始,他们将合作。

    They will cooperate after today .

  7. 因此,即使排放量从今天开始减少,我们仍将面临适应气候变化的挑战。

    So even if emissions were to begin to decrease today , we would still face the challenge of adapting to climate change .

  8. 因此,从今天开始,到生命的终点——坚持住,不必怀疑,朝阳为你而升起。

    So ... beginning today and lasting a lifetime through --- Hang in there , and don 't be afraid to feel like the morning sun is shining ... just for you .

  9. 所以,如果你很好奇,去近距离探索个人化DNA吧--就从今天开始。

    So if you 're curious , get up close and personal with DNA -- today .

  10. 从今天开始3个月之后,n。

    Three months from today , n.

  11. BryanWhite从今天开始出差五天。

    Bryan White is on a five-day business trip from today .

  12. 我们采纳了PAUL关于提高大震斗的建议,在发动机和垫圈之间加上了绝缘纸。并且今天开始了寿命的测试。

    Under Paul 's suggestion on the improvement of Mega V. bin , we have applied insulated paper between motor and washers and started the life-span testing today .

  13. 假如你的组织或企业还没有任何的IT治理,那你的SOA项目就给了你一个绝好的理由,让我们从今天开始IT和SOA治理吧

    Just in case your organization or corporation still hasn 't got any IT governance in place : Your SOA initiative gives you the perfect reason to start both IT and SOA governance today

  14. 从今天开始,具有此项功能的应用将更加便捷,可以在全球范围内的安卓和iOS系统上使用。

    A far more handy application for such functionality , the feature arrives on both Android and iOS handsets globally , starting today .

  15. 这种情况从今天开始改变,[借助]历史性协定,将G20置于工作的中心位置,共同努力,打造一轮持续的复苏。

    This all started to change today [ with the ] ... historic agreement to put the G20 at the centre of efforts to work together to build a durable recovery .

  16. 从今天开始,Gleaner周日版将登载参与这项试验志愿者的日记。

    Beginning today , The Sunday Gleaner will carry a diary of persons participating in the study .

  17. 正如乔治亚摄政大学(GeorgiaRegentsUniversity)的彼得・巴克利(PeterBuckley)博士所说,“随着你经验的增加,你的自信会越来越强。而自信之人将获得新的经验。”从今天开始增强你的自信吧。

    According to Dr. Peter Buckley of Georgia Regents University , ' As you add experiences , you 're more likely to gain confidence . And with confidence , you will embrace new experiences . ' Start growing your confidence today .

  18. 今天开始原谅和解开过去这些年的痛苦。

    Start forgiving today and unravel all those years of pain .

  19. 从今天开始,我将到带着我的梦启程了

    Starting today , I will bring my dreams to the left

  20. 股票市场经过昨天的暴跌之后,今天开始回稳。

    The stock market rallied today after yesterday 's dramatic falls .

  21. 从今天开始我要喊出一口流利的英语。

    Right from today I will yell out my perfect English .

  22. 因此,我让她从今天开始练习硬笔书法。

    So I asked her to begin to practice hard-pen calligraphy today .

  23. 从今天开始,你们每天都得我送糖果来。

    From today on , you should send them to me everyday .

  24. 从今天开始,我们只能改变我们的行为。

    We can only change our behaviours from today onwards .

  25. 我们从今天开始就在这里用英语交谈吧!

    Let 's start to communicate in English from today !

  26. 韩佳,我决定,从今天开始。

    Han Jia , I decided that from today on .

  27. 提升技能,让我们从现在开始,从今天开始。

    Let 's start to ready ourselves from now , from today .

  28. 法医学家将从今天开始这项工作。

    Forensic experts will begin to examine victims'remains from today .

  29. 所以,从今天开始改变习惯,做一些不同的事情。

    So , change your routine and dosomething different today .

  30. 神舟七号飞船于今天开始加注推进剂。

    The Shenzhou seventh airship started the replenishment of propellant in today .