
  1. 甲:我今天看了我的年鉴。

    Example : A : I looked at my yearbook today .

  2. 直到今天米奇尔看我的眼神

    To this day , Mitchell looks at me ,

  3. 今天我看我妈吗说“妈妈”!她非常感觉惊奇和几乎大声呼喊!

    Today I look at my mother speak " Ma Ma " she seems very surprise almost crying out !

  4. 艾米丽娅今天来旅馆看我了

    Amelia came to see me at the halfway house today .

  5. 拿了目录给乔治吗?他要今天早上看,我去拿。

    Did you get those catalog pages in for George ?

  6. 今天我去看我的表哥了!

    Today I go to see my cousin !

  7. 告诉你,仅仅是今天,你看我做了什么,你决定。

    Tell you what , just for today , you watch what I do , and you decide .

  8. FML今天,我去看我儿子的足球赛。

    Today , I went to my son 's soccer game .

  9. 那么,今天晚上想去看我的首演吗?

    So , you want to go to my opening tonight ?