
  • 网络Boy Don't Cry;boys dont cry
  1. 这位现年36岁的女演员在拍摄电影《男孩不哭》(BoysDon'tCry)之前像个男人一样生活了一个月,在拍摄电影《百万美元宝贝》(MillionDollarBaby)之前到拳击场上学习。

    The36-year-old actress lived as a man for a month before filming Boys Don 't Cry and shaped up for the boxing ring for Million Dollar Baby .

  2. 从小训练男孩不哭并不可取。

    Boys don 't cry not desirable from training .

  3. 他说你们这儿的男孩不哭。

    She says the boys of your cuiture do not cry .

  4. 她承认出演了《男孩不哭》中的男孩角色后大约两个月内她很迷信,而且很想穿裙子和高跟鞋。

    She admits to being superstitious and being very into dresses and high heels for about two months after her masculine role in Boys Don 't Cry .

  5. 1999年,斯万卡被选中饰演《男孩不哭》。在电影开拍前的一个月,她像男孩一样生活了一个月(想象她是自己的兄弟,詹姆斯),电影开拍后获得了成功。

    In1999 , Swank was chosen for Boys Don 't Cry , and the month she spent living as a boy ( as her own fictional brother , James ) before the filming paid off .

  6. 希拉里斯万卡在影片《男孩不哭》中饰演主角获得了2000年奥斯卡最佳女主角,而且,同年同部影片获得了金球奖剧情片最佳女主角。

    Hilary Swank won an Oscar for best actress in a leading role for boys don 't cry in2000 and Golden Globe for best performance by an actress in a motion picture , drama in the same year and for the same movie .

  7. 我知道你很难过,但是身为一个大男孩不应该哭成这样。

    I know you 're upset , but a big boy like you shouldn 't cry at something like that .

  8. 看到妈妈上船小男孩禁不住哭了。

    The little boy couldn 't help crying when he saw his mother .

  9. 由于被那个男人的话吓坏了,男孩禁不住哭了起来。

    Frightened by what the man said , the boy couldn 't help crying .