
  • 网络male contraception
  1. 研究背景与目的:输精管结扎术是目前最有效和广泛开展的男性节育方法,常规输精管结扎和近端开放输精管结扎是其两种主要的手术方式。

    Background and Objective : Vasectomy is an effective and one of the most widely used methods of male contraception ; the conventional and open-ended vasectomies are two major surgical techniques .

  2. 中国的男性节育技术研究已处于世界领先地位,有的已被世界志愿手术节育协会列为推广技术。

    China leads the world in the research on male contraception techniques , some of which have been listed as the ones to be promoted by the World Association of Voluntary Surgical Contraception ( AVSC ) .

  3. 有可能成为男性节育方法之一。

    Therefore it could be one of the methods of contraception of male 's.

  4. 激光在男性节育方面的应用

    Application of laser in male birth control

  5. 因此,必须改进微波辐射器辐射的均匀性,才能提高男性节育的效力。

    The radiative evenness of microwave radiator had to be improved before the sterility efficiency could be increased .

  6. 通过对不同专家学者用不同激光分别作用于输精管或睾丸的动物实验和临床应用的阐述,说明激光能产生一系列生物效应,达到男性节育的目的。

    This paper describes the animal experiment and clinical application of different kinds of lasers affecting respectively deferent duct or testis .

  7. 为了寻找一种有效、无害的男性节育法,我们曾研究过微波加温睾丸法,看到了明显的效果,但各受试者的效力不大一致,发现这是由于微波辐射功率分布不均匀所致。

    In order to find an effective and harmless method for the male sterility , we have studied a method to raise the temperature of testicles by microwave heating and achieved satisfactory result .

  8. 本文就四川省微波男性节育科研协作组自1975年秋至1979年11月期间有关基础动物实验和临床试用情况作一简要报告。

    The experimental studies on animals and the clinical use for man , by the sichuan co-operated Group of microwave male contraception from Autumn of 197 $ to November of 1979 , are briefly summarized in this article .

  9. 结果:①宫内节育器和妇女节育术2种方法占农村已婚育龄妇女现用避孕方法的91.79%,避孕套、避孕药、皮埋、男性节育术等方法仅占8.21%。

    Results : ① Compared with the percentage of married reproductive country women who use other contraceptive methods such as condom , contraceptive medicine , etc , the percentage of married reproductive country women who used intrauterine devices and women planned parenthood is 91.79 % .

  10. 男性节育比大多数事情更让人们感到意外,但是我们只需要等待观望:据报道,一家名为Contraline的公司正在努力将一种无需手术即可进行的可逆式男性节育方式推向市场。

    We raise an eyebrow for this one more than most , but we 'll just have to wait and see : a company called Contraline is reportedly working to bring to market a form of reversible male birth control that doesn 't require surgery .

  11. 这些无疑为开发新型男性避孕、节育方法指明方向。

    All of these will facilitate the development of novel contraceptive and birth control methods for the male .

  12. 但在男性不育和男性节育方面等,轮转后低年资医师掌握的知识还不够,今后应加强这方面的培训。

    However , in regard to male infertility and male contraception , their knowledge is quite insufficient , which implies the need for strengthening the training in the related aspects .