
  • 网络The Male Urethra;urethra
  1. 改良革兰氏染色检测男性尿道细胞涂片诊断NGU的价值

    Use of the modified Gram 's staining to examine male urethra cell smears for diagnosis of non-gonococcal urethritis

  2. 男性尿道结石的B型超声诊断

    Calculus of Male Urethra : Diagnosis with Ultrasonography

  3. PCR检测沙眼衣原体及其在男性尿道感染中的意义

    Detection of Chlamydia Trachomatis in Male Urinary Tract Infection

  4. 男性尿道狭窄及尿道周围纤维化的MRI评价

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Diagnosis of Urethral Stricture and Periurethral Pathologic Fibrosis in Male

  5. 结论:生殖器疱疹患者伴发女性宫颈HSV感染更为常见,而伴发男性尿道HSV感染相对少见。

    Conclusion : In genital herpes patients , the complicated female cervical HSV infection is more common than male urethral HSV infection .

  6. 目的探讨老年男性尿道尖锐湿疣(condylomaaccuminatum,CA)诊断、治疗和预防复发的方法。

    Objective To discuss diagnosis and treatment and prevention of recurrence of urethral condyloma accuminatum ( CA ) in senile male patients .

  7. 目的评价常见男性尿道感染病征诊断淋菌性尿道炎(GU)、非淋菌性尿道炎(NGU)的真实性(效度)及可靠性(信度),为今后此类诊断提供依据。

    Objective To determine the validity and reliability of five male urogenital infection signs on the diagnosis of gonococcal or nongonococcal urethritis .

  8. 经尿道球囊扩张治疗男性尿道狭窄16例报告

    Transurethral dilatation with balloon in treating urethral stricture in 16 cases

  9. 老年男性尿道尖锐湿疣的诊断与治疗

    Diagnosis and treatment of urethral condyloma accuminatum in senile male patients

  10. 男性尿道粘液特性与不育的关系

    Study of the relation of male urethral mucus features and fertility

  11. 改良可调节等离子电极腔内治疗男性尿道狭窄

    Endoscopic treatment of urethral stricture by improved triangular plasma electrode

  12. 132例男性尿道尖锐湿疣的临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of Urethra Condyloma Acuminata in 132 Male Cases

  13. 以累及前列腺为主要表现的男性尿道癌1例报告

    Urethra transition cell carcinoma characterized by prostatic invasion : a case report

  14. 光动力疗法治疗男性尿道尖锐湿疣的疗效观察及护理

    Nursing care to male patients with urethral condyloma acuminatum by Photodynamic therapy

  15. 尿道镜下电凝加卡介苗灌注治疗男性尿道内大面积尖锐湿疣

    Urethroscopic Electrofulguration Following Instillation of BCG to Treat Male Widespread Urethral Condylomata Acuminata

  16. 腔镜技术在男性尿道狭窄治疗中的临床应用

    Clinical Application of Endoscopy in Treating Male Urethral Stricture

  17. 直视下尿道内切开术治疗男性尿道狭窄或闭锁

    Long-term Result of Direct Vision Internal Urethrotomy for Male Urethral Stricture or Urethratresia

  18. 男性尿道膜部括约肌支配神经的应用解剖

    Applied anatomy of nerves innervating male urethra membrane sphincter

  19. 外用氨基酮戊酸光动力疗法治疗男性尿道口尖锐湿疣的疗效观察

    Observation of Aminolevulinic Acid Photodynamic Therapy for the Treatment on Urethral Condyloma Acuminatum

  20. 男性尿道内尖锐湿疣的超声评价

    Ultrasonographic assessment of urethral condyloma acuminatum in men

  21. 目的评价实时超声显像在男性尿道疾病诊断中的应用价值。

    Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of real-time ultrasonography in male urethral diseases .

  22. 方法用球海绵体悬吊术治疗男性尿道括约肌损伤后真性尿失禁患者18例,总结、分析其临床效果。

    Methods Eighteen male patients with urinary incontinence were treated by bulbourethral sling operation .

  23. 结论男性尿道分泌物病征处理流程图对有尿道分泌物的男性病人有较满意的临床治疗效果。

    Conclusion The syndromic management flowchart for urethral discharge is effective for clinical application .

  24. 输尿管镜钬激光与冷刀内切开治疗男性尿道狭窄疗效比较

    Comparison between holmium laser combined ureteroscopy and cold knife urethrotomy for male urethral stricture

  25. 934例男性尿道感染患者病原学研究

    Etiology Investigation on 934 Cases Male Urethra Infection

  26. 导尿前经尿道注入液体石蜡预防男性尿道损伤

    Injection of Liquid Paraffin into Urethra Before Catheterization for the Prevention of Male Urethral Injury

  27. 目的对男性尿道分泌物病征处理流程图进行了临床应用和评价。

    Objective The syndromic management flowchart for male urethral discharge was clinically applied and evaluated .

  28. 126例男性尿道损伤的治疗体会

    Treatment of urethral injuries in 126 cases

  29. 研究目的男性尿道的修复重建是泌尿外科的重点和难点问题。

    The reconstruction of the male urethra is a difficult problem in today 's urology .

  30. 线型电刀电切术治疗男性尿道狭窄(附12例报告)

    Treatment of male urethral stricture by linear electrotome resection ( report of 12 cases )