
  • model;Male Model
  1. 每次下手都有一个典型的男模。

    And behind every hit , a card-carrying male model .

  2. 现年28岁的前男模伊恩?米切尔拥有爱丁堡大学历史系的一级学位,目前为一家化妆品公司工作。他告诉《星期日泰晤士报》说:“帅气的长相给予你自信,而且我觉得人们会更快地和帅哥热乎起来。”

    Former male model Ian Mitchell , 28 , who has a first class degree in history from Edinburgh and now works for a cosmetics company , told the Sunday Times : " It gives you confidence , and I suspect people tend to warm to you more quickly . "

  3. 回首50年代,那时社会习俗要求男模不能脱掉所有衣服。

    Back in the Fifties , social convention required that males models keep their kit on .

  4. 以前男模是很帅的——都有着棱角分明的下巴、完美的胸肌和金棕色的皮肤。

    Male models used to be gorgeous — all chiselled jaw , perfect pecs and golden tan .

  5. 但你对男模有何看法?

    But how do you feel about male models ?

  6. 但在过去的一年,塞勒斯确实是争议性报道不断,她和一名20岁的男模拍拖

    But the ranking follows a year which has seen Cyrus controversially dating a20 year-old model

  7. 你宁愿跟意大利男模饮呀。不来我同事开的派对?

    You would rather go have drinks with Italian models.than come to my awesome work party ?

  8. 在“古琦”展秀上,男模就是身穿白裤,配了一条闪亮的黑色皮带。

    At the Gucci show , men modelled white trousers accessorised with a shiny , black belt .

  9. 泰瑞斯·吉布森(27岁):由男模转行成为演员的吉布森曾公开表示,他一直迷恋着贝瑞。

    Tyrese Gibson , 27 : The model turned actor admitted to InStyle he 's been crushing on Berry .

  10. 法国各城市的姑娘们都涌到商店里,跟这些大秀技艺特长的男模特们眉来眼去。

    Women in the French city are flocking to the store to ogle the male models as they show off their best assets .

  11. 然而,此次展会上抢占了当地媒体头条的还是另一类型的男模&装扮成女性角色的男模。

    But it was another sort of male model at the show that grabbed local media headlines ─ men dressed as female characters .

  12. 1983年:嫁给来自德克萨州的男模乔恩维德曼(如今是微软高管),并育有一女埃蕾特拉;

    1983 marries Jon Wiedemann , a model from Texas ( now an executive at Microsoft ) . They have a daughter , elettra .

  13. 在健身健美课程中采用运动处方教学对服装表演男模身体围度指标有一定程度的改变。

    The body circumference index of male model majored in fashion show has had some changes since exercise prescription teaching applied in body-building course .

  14. 最近中国一些推广活动的主办方也曾尝试减少对比基尼女孩的依赖。有一场活动就没有安排比基尼女孩,而是用穿着女装的男模取代。

    Organizers of some Chinese promotional events have recently tried to move away from reliance on bikini girls - in one case replacing them with cross-dressing men .

  15. 一位专家宣称自己揭开了世界名画《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》之后的秘密&画中人的原型,不但是个男模,还是达芬奇的情人。

    An expert has claimed to have unravelled the mystery behind the world-famous Mona Lisa painting-saying the model was a man and Leonardo da Vinci 's lover .

  16. 据悉,这位歌手(麦当娜)劝说22岁的巴西男模重新考虑自己的信仰问题。约瑟曾是个天主教徒,现正考虑成为犹太教的一个分支&卡巴拉教的信徒。

    The singer has reportedly persuaded the22-year-old Brazilian model-who was raised a Catholic-to rethink his faith , and Jesus is now considering turning to the off-shoot of Judaism .

  17. 一位专家宣称自己揭开了世界名画《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》之后的秘密——画中人的原型,不但是个男模,还是达芬奇的情人。

    An expert has claimed to have unravelled the mystery behind the world-famous Mona Lisa painting - saying the model was a man and Leonardo da Vinci 's lover .

  18. 朋友们坚信,这位50岁歌手与22岁巴西男模之间的浪漫爱情只是为了宣传她最新演唱会而做的一场秀,此举同时也可以让疏远的丈夫盖-里奇吃醋。

    Pals insist the50-year-old singer 's romance with the22-year-old Brazilian model is merely a publicity stunt to promote her latest tour , and make estranged husband Guy Ritchie jealous .

  19. 布莱恩:不,我意思是在那边的家伙。其实我总觉得男模特儿是呆子,我想要红色的。

    Brian : No , I meant that guy over there . Actually , I 've always thought that male models were kind of stupid . I 'd like it in red .

  20. 这个老式头饰面料质感和材质多样,现在依然流行。法国服装零售商迪奥•桀骜男装给身着晚礼服的男模搭配上棒球棒,使其略带一些休闲意味。

    With diverse textures and materials , this old-fashioned headwear is still trending , with French clothing retailer Dior Homme putting baseball caps on models wearing tuxedos to add a sense of casualness .

  21. 通过教学实验说明,健身健美课采用运动处方教学在提高服装表演男模身体围度各项指标方面,效果要强于传统体育教学。

    The experimental teaching shows : In body-building course , exercise prescription teaching mode is much better than conventional teaching mode to improve the body circumference index of male model majored in fashion show .

  22. 我和圈内的伙伴交流过,大家都认为这样事情的发生非常不可理解,特别是用一个男模做封面,所有杂志是的男模都是不穿上衣的。

    ' I 've been talking to all my friends who work in magazines , and nobody I know has ever heard of anything like this happening , 'she said . 'Especially with a guy .

  23. 她和丈夫亚当桑托斯柯依是在2011年结婚的,婚后第一年里他们就多次谈到这件事的可能性,即让赛勒改变造型,在男模圈子里找到工作。

    She and her husband Adam Santos-Coy married in 2011 and over the course of their first year as a married couple they had multiple conversations about the prospect of changing her look to work in the male modeling world .