
  • 网络Men's Love;The Love Of A Man
  1. 我需要这个男人的爱,以及他在情感上给我的支持。

    I needed this man 's love , and the emotional support he was giving me

  2. 男人的爱是俯视而生,而女人的爱是仰视而生。

    Men love from overlooking while women love from looking up .

  3. 所以那次之后男人的爱也就麻木了。

    So the man 's love is after numb .

  4. 我需要真正男人的爱。

    I need love from a real man .

  5. 我觉得很难理解她对这个男人的爱会这么深厚。

    I found it hard to understand the depth of her love for this man .

  6. 若我没离开,若我没有那些男人的爱。

    If I hadn 't left , if I hadn 't had all those lovers .

  7. 情感上的;情绪上的我需要这个男人的爱,以及他在情感上给我的支持。

    I needed this man 's love , and the emotional support he was giving me .

  8. 一个虚弱男人无力的爱。

    An impotent man 's futile love .

  9. 积极地治疗你的感情创伤,你的感情创伤告诉你你没得到这个男人所有的爱;

    Do some serious work on healing the emotional wounds you are carrying that lead you to believe that you don 't deserve all of a man 's love .

  10. 如果说真有一个男人需要你的爱,那就是我。

    If ever a man needed your love , I need it .

  11. 她说这个男人真的很爱她。

    She says this guy really loves her .

  12. 这也是我平生第一次去小心呵护我对一个我所敬仰男人的一份爱。

    For the first time in my life , I attend on my love cautiously for one man whom I revere so much .

  13. 总之,这个野心勃勃的年轻男人的婚姻没有爱,利用战友,私拥奴隶并无视印第安人的权利全为了聚集财富。

    In sum , the ambitious young man had married without love , taken advantage of former comrades-in-arms , owned slaves , and bought Indian lands without regard to Indian rights , all in order to become rich .

  14. 曾经它是专属男人的运动,亦是男人的心中之爱。

    Before , it was only men 's game , men 's love .

  15. 有些人相信,如果一个女人为自己的男人准备了他最喜欢的食物,她就能赢得男人的爱。

    Some people believe that a woman can win a man 's love if she prepares his favorite foods .