
kě bù kě yǐ
  • 熟语Can?;May?
  1. 我们可不可以商定一个价格?

    Can we agree a price ?

  2. 妻子又问:“如果生活的不愉快,我们可不可以离婚呢?”圣徒彼得看着她,回答说:“夫人,我花了30天才找到个传教士,难道你真的希望我再去找个律师吗?”

    The young lady then asks St. Peter , " If things just don 't work out can we get a divorce3 ? " St. Peter looks at her and replies , " Lady it took me 30 days to find a preacher up here do you really think I am going to find a lawyer ? "

  3. 她问老板可不可以让她请一天假。

    She asked her boss whether she could have the day off .

  4. 你可不可以把最新版本传真给我?

    Could you fax me the latest version ?

  5. 我可不可以送你回家?

    May I see you home ?

  6. 那么我们可不可以干脆谈点别的?

    So , if we could just move onto something else ?

  7. 我在想可不可以找个时间跟你谈一谈?

    I wonder if some time I could have a word with you

  8. 我可不可以问一下,您在这里干什么?

    Might I ask what you 're doing here ?

  9. 我可不可以把关于我演出的那篇文章剪下来?

    May I cut out the article about my performance ?

  10. 然后她问:“多少钱?”司机回答:“十块钱。”她翻了翻皮包之后说:“可不可以请你把车子再倒回去五百公尺,因为我只有七块钱!”

    Then she asked the driver , " How much is it ? " And the driver replied , " Ten dollars . " Then , after searching ? I have only seven dollars on me ! "

  11. 当帮忙的人都走后,我妈妈说还有几间房间需要粉刷,于是我就问她我们可不可以在暂时安顿在新房子里,就不用回到我们那小公寓里去了。

    When everyone left , my mom said that there were still some rooms that needed to be painted so I asked her if we could camp out in the house instead of going back to our small apartment .

  12. CouldIhelpyou?我能帮忙吗?(比CanIhelpyou?婉转)那个人问可不可以在大厅里吸烟。

    The man asked if he could smoke in the hall .

  13. 你可以在适亚的时候提出“Canwecontinuethemeetingtomorrow?”(我们可不可以明天再继续开会?)

    Can we continue the meeting tomorrow ?

  14. 可不可以用“bright”表示“clever”的意思?

    Can you use " bright " to mean " clever " ?

  15. 前几天Tim很礼貌地问可不可以减点房租的时候,Helen朝他大吼大叫的,而现在,她为这事儿向Tim道歉。

    Helen is sorry for shouting angrily at Tim a few days before , when he had asked her a polite question about the possibility of paying less rent .

  16. 几周前,XM的妈妈问我们可不可以帮她买一本近来活跃于银屏的演讲者于丹的《于丹〈论语〉心得》,因为她听说这本书通俗又新颖地阐述了中国经典古籍。

    A few weeks ago , XM 's mother asked if we could help her buy a copy of TV lecturer Yu Dan 's Insights on " The Analects ", since she had heard it was a popular new explanation of the Chinese classic .

  17. 这个周末我要值班不能休息,所以不能陪你和BERM玩了,下个周末我就有时间了可以休息两天,不知道可不可以去看你们。

    This weekend I want to turn on duty and can 't take a rest , so can'ted accompany you to play with the BERM , descending a weekend me sometimes can take a rest two days , doing not know can see you .

  18. 我们都晓得你独特的风格(在此避免LOMO这个字眼),可不可以告欣我们或是解释一下当你按下快门的时候,你的想法是什麽?

    We all heard about your unique style of photo taking ( I rather not using the word " LOMO ") . Can you describe how and what comes in your mind when you are about to take a picture ? Composition ?

  19. 因而可不可以认为,最终谁吃掉谁都是个未知数。

    Thus can think , eventually who eat who all unknown .

  20. 可不可以替我在当地预约另外一家旅馆呢?

    Can you book me into another hotel in the area ?

  21. 我可不可以说服你跟我一起来?

    Can I convince you to come with me or not ?

  22. 您可不可以改变预定日期呢?

    Is it possible for you to change your reservation date ?

  23. 我说,你可不可以改一改呀?

    I would ask , can 't you change a little ?

  24. 我们可不可以心平气和的做一件事?

    Can we just do this one thing together without arguing ?

  25. 你可不可以只修剪两侧多长出来的表皮?

    Could you just cut those overgrown cuticles on the sides ?

  26. 哪我们可不可以将她们更新为珍惜动物呢?

    What can we will update them to cherish the animals ?

  27. 玩家可不可以改变工会会徽的外观?

    Can players change the way their guild emblem will look ?

  28. 找谁吗?我可不可以效劳?

    Are you looking for someone , or can I help ?

  29. 她问我可不可以在假期的时候戴一下。

    She asked if she could wear it during the holiday .

  30. 你可不可以给我讲讲这些钥匙背后的故事啊?

    Will you tell me the stories behind all those keys ?