
  • 网络poor boy
  1. 我们就是把书送给了这个可怜的男孩。

    It was the poor boy that we gave the books to .

  2. 那可怜的男孩被一个乞丐从他家领走。

    The poor boy was led off his house by a beggar .

  3. 懂了吗,你把一切都归咎于这个可怜的男孩。

    You see , you blamed everything on this poor guy .

  4. 他准备要把这可怜的男孩油炸一番!

    He was going to deep fry the poor boy !

  5. 这个可怜的男孩经常被迫吃不上晚饭。

    The poor boy often had to go without supper .

  6. 他建议帮助这个可怜的男孩找到他的妈妈。

    He suggests helping this poor boy find his mother .

  7. 她宁可不睡觉也要照顾那个可怜的男孩。

    She would rather not sleep to look after the poor boy .

  8. 他们一次次的打这个可怜的男孩。

    They hit the poor boy again and again .

  9. 可怜的男孩,你肯定饿了。

    Poor boy , you must be hungry now .

  10. 那个可怜的男孩见父亲到处找棍子,感到六神无主。

    The poor boy was on tenterhooks when his father was searching for stick .

  11. 那可怜的男孩啜泣到入睡。

    The poor boy sobbed himself to sleep .

  12. 那可怜的男孩今天离开我们了。

    The poor boy parted from us today .

  13. 这可怜的男孩被打得惟命是从。

    The poor boy was beaten into obedience .

  14. 这个可怜的男孩来自阿拉巴马。

    This poor boy ` s from alabama .

  15. 可怜的男孩没有钱。

    The poor boy has no money .

  16. 绑匪吓坏了那个可怜的男孩。

    The kidnappers terrified the poor boy .

  17. 这可怜的男孩一定深受伤害。

    That poor boy must be devastated .

  18. 那个可怜的男孩是我自己。

    That poor boy is myself .

  19. 这个东西可让这位女士买些吃的,穿的以及药品给这可怜的男孩。

    That will buy the woman some food , new clothes and some medicines for the poor boy .

  20. 而在花园里,离房子很远的地方,躺着那可怜的男孩的尸体那就是我的丈夫。

    And there in the garden , a long way from the house , was that poor dead boy , my husband .

  21. 这个可怜的男孩,当他需要一个很好的避风港时却被严肃地指挫败坏校风。

    The wretched boy was solemnly accused of dragging the honoured name of the school through the mud when what he needed was a good hiding .

  22. 现在那里已经没有房子了——没有墙,没有门,没有窗户——什么也没有。而在花园里,离房子很远的地方,躺着那可怜的男孩的尸体——那就是我的丈夫。

    There was no house now - no walls , no doors , no windows - nothing.And there in the garden , a long way from the house , was that poor dead boy , my husband .

  23. 这个可怜的PC男孩,头上带着管子,他们给他包装成那样儿.

    The poor PC guy . They 're duct taping his head . They 're just wrapping it on him .

  24. 也许是他们还在想那个已死的可怜的小男孩。

    Perhaps they were thinking of the poor boy who had died .

  25. 那可怜的小男孩在房子外冻得瑟瑟发抖。

    The poor little boy stood outside the house , quaking with cold .

  26. 这个可怜的小男孩很难过。

    The poor little guy was pretty upset .

  27. 他们把弄泼墨水的过错怪在那可怜的小男孩身上。

    They pitched on the poor little boy as the now who split the ink .

  28. 你搭的可怜的小男孩

    That poor boy you went with .

  29. 多可怜的小男孩啊!

    What a poor little boy !

  30. 是你吗?可怜的年轻男孩,她含着泪水亲切地说道。

    Is it you , poor young boy ? @ she said kindly through her tears .