
rǎo luàn zhì ān
  • disturbing the peace;disturb public order;break the peace;peace-breaking
  1. 四名男子被判扰乱治安罪名成立。

    Four men were found guilty of breach of the peace .

  2. 地方法官宣判林先生扰乱治安罪名不成立。

    Mr Ling was acquitted of disorderly behaviour by magistrates .

  3. 他们被警方指控为扰乱治安。

    They were charged by the police with causing a disturbance .

  4. 参加暴力的扰乱治安行为的人。

    Someone who participates in a violent disturbance of the peace .

  5. 其他扰乱治安秩序的行为。

    Engaging in other acts of disturbing the public security order .

  6. 扰乱治安的行为,闹事骑警队被叫来维持治安。

    Mounted police were brought in to maintain law and order .

  7. 他以扰乱治安罪被传讯。

    He was brought up on a charge of causing a disturbance .

  8. 战乱出盗贼,治世上绞索。那些人被控扰乱治安。

    War make the thief , and peace bring him to the gallows .

  9. 你到底是怎么回事?上星期,扰乱治安;

    What 's wrong with you ? Last week , disturbing the peace .

  10. 法官要他具结一年内不得扰乱治安。

    The magistrate bound him over for a year .

  11. 居民们抱怨游民在海滩上乱扔杂物以及扰乱治安。

    Residents complained that tramps were littering the beaches and disturbing the peace .

  12. 他们在街上大喊大叫,犯了扰乱治安罪。

    They committed a breach of the peace by shouting in the street .

  13. 那些人被控扰乱治安。

    The men were charged with causing an affray .

  14. 警察指控他为扰乱治安者。

    The police indicted him as a rioter .

  15. 他们因扰乱治安而被逮捕。

    They were arrested for breaking the peace .

  16. 警察来把他们带走了,因为他们扰乱治安。

    The police came and took them away , because they were causing a disturbance .

  17. 警察指控那些青年人在这一带犯了扰乱治安罪。

    Those young men were charged by the police with causing a disturbance in the neighbourhood .

  18. 扰乱治安是指在公共场合的非法吵闹或暴力行为。

    A breach of the peace is illegal noisy or violent behaviour in a public place .

  19. 这名男子现被单独关闭,并被指控扰乱治安和酒后驾驶。

    The man was confined to a cell and has been charged with civil disorder and drunk driving .

  20. 他被控告犯有好几种轻罪,其中包括无有效驾驶执照驾驶和扰乱治安。

    He is charge with several misdemeanour , including driving without a valid licence and creating a disturbance .

  21. 许多人走到一起扰乱治安或犯其它罪的严重犯法行为

    Notifiable offence when a number of people come together to commit a breach of the peace or any other crime

  22. 他以扰乱治安罪被传讯。治安法官对大法官负责。

    He was brought up on a charge of causing a disturbance . Magistrate be responsible to the lord chancellor .

  23. 伯登说,这次事故本来还挺好玩的,美中不足的就是他因为扰乱治安而接到了法院的传票。

    Borden said the incident would have been funny except for the fact that he was issued a citation for disorderly conduct .

  24. 一位发言人补充说,逮捕他在当时看来是必要的,是为了防止发生扰乱治安的行为,因为他紧挨着一批抗议人群。

    A spokesman added that the arrest was necessary to avoid a breach of the peace because he was standing near a group of protesters .

  25. 因此学生如犯小盗窃罪、扰乱治安、酗酒或其他类似的小罪,他们的侨民身份不受影响。

    Thus , if students are convicted of petty theft , disturbing the peace , drunkenness , or a similar minor offense , their immigration status will not be affected .

  26. 要是你们不马上从这里滚出去,我就以扰乱治安罪把你们关起来,永远不放你们出来。

    If you don 't get the hell out of here straight away , I 'll lock you up for disturbing the peace and I 'll never let you out .

  27. 他承认扰乱了治安。

    He admitted causing a breach of the peace

  28. 他因扰乱公共治安而坐牢。

    He was imprisoned for creating a public disturbance .

  29. 神秘组织辛迪加,密谋扰乱社会治安。

    The mystical organization syndicate , conspires to harass the social order .

  30. 纽约警察局称逮捕了多人,多数罪名为扰乱社会治安,但不愿透露具体人数。

    The New York Police Department said it had made many arrests , mostly for disorderly conduct , but would not give a number .