
  • 网络disturbed soil
  1. 扰动土性状研究及在环境治理工程中的应用

    Research on Disturbed Soil and Its Application in Environmental Engineering

  2. 天然含水量的扰动土与风干土抗剪强度的分析

    Analysis of disturbed soil with natural moisture and air-dried soil shear strength

  3. 在100、200、300kPa三种固结压力下,分别进行了原状土样的循环单剪试验、扰动土样的动三轴试验。

    Cyclic simple shear tests on undisturbed samples and dynamic triaxial tests on compacted speciments were performed under 100,200 , and 300 kPa consolidation pressures .

  4. 结构扰动土细观识别方法及物理力学性质研究

    Study on Meso-Identification Method and Physico-Mechanical Property of Structure-Disturbed Soil

  5. 矿山工程扰动土人工再造的理论、方法与实证研究

    Theory , Methodology and Case Study of Artificial Rebuilding of Mining Engineering Disturbed Soil

  6. 一个扰动土柱试验模型及参数反演的数值模拟

    A mathematical model for a disturbed soil-column experiment and numerical simulations for parameters inversion

  7. 扰动土渗透系数的可靠性

    Infiltration calculation of soil with sand in layer Reliability of penetration ratio of disturbed soil

  8. 作者提出将园林土壤划分为园艺土类,园林土亚类和扰动土、营养土属。

    The garden soil may be classified as a great group subspecies and turmoil soil , nutritive genus .

  9. 钻探工艺、取土方法与取土器结构对勘探质量和不扰动土样取土质量的影响

    Effects of drilling technology , sampling method and sampler structure on qualities of exploration and sampling of undisturbed soil sample

  10. 对两种天然沉积软粘土的高质量不扰动土样进行了固结压缩试验和三轴等向固结不排水剪切试验以探讨结构土的力学性状。

    In this study , oedometer tests and triaxial consolidation undrained shear tests are performed on two natural sedimentary clays to investigate the mechanical behavior of structured soils .

  11. 结果显示未扰动土样的粘合力和内摩擦角在湿润化后都下降了,而所观察到的重塑土的弹度参数只有少许变化。

    The results of the undisturbed soil showed decrease in both cohesion and internal friction angle occurred by wetting , while little change in the strength parameters was observed for the remolded soil .

  12. 并建议在人工土纲下独立出一土类工程扰动土类,并根据扰动类型的不同,将工程扰动土分为工程堆垫土、工程下陷土。

    The paper suggest that to put forward engineering disturbed soil type in artificial soil order , and on the grounds of disturbance type , then divide engineering disturbed soil into engineering heaping soil and engineering sinking soil .

  13. 考虑卸载扰动与土流变特性的基坑性状的分析

    Analysis of foundation pit considering unload history and viscoplastic model

  14. 取样扰动对土天然强度指标的影响和处理方法

    Influence of Disturbed Samples on Soil Natural Strength Parameter and It 's Treatment

  15. 取样扰动对土的工程性质指标影响的试验研究

    Experimental Study on Influence of Sampling Disturbance to Indices for Engineering Properties of Soils

  16. 本文报道了取样扰动对土的工程性质指标影响的一批研究成果。

    In the paper , the influence of sampling disturbing on soil engineering properties has been studied .

  17. 试验证明,附加扰动对土样的影响不可忽略。

    This paper deals with the influence of sampling disturbances on the soil behavior of normally consolidated clay .

  18. 实验用的非扰动原状土柱取自地下研究设施内的含水层,实验用水为地下水。

    An undisturbed soil column and the water used in the test were taken from the aquifer in the Facility .

  19. 对比扰动软土原位和室内压缩曲线,分析了扰动软土的沉降机理及其压缩性的上下限,给出了考虑扰动影响的结构性软土沉降计算公式。

    Upper and lower limits of compression and settlement characteristics of structured soft clay are analyzed by comparing in-situ compression curve of disturbed soft clay with its experiment curve . Soft clay settlement calculation formula considering influence of disturbance is presented .

  20. 根据结构扰动场地土的性质特点,建立了弹性半无限空间地基损伤模型,从理论角度分析了结构扰动场地地基土的承载强度。

    Result also show that the failure model of the foundation was changed . ( 4 ) Based on the understanding of the property of structure-disturbed soil , we established the subgrade destroy model which is on the basis of semi-infinity elasticity space .

  21. 扰动结构性软土地基的沉降特性分析

    Settlement characteristics analysis of disturbed structured soft clay ground

  22. 施工扰动对软土强度的影响

    The construction disturbance on soft soils

  23. 研究了黏土的未扰动和重塑土样在三轴排水剪切试验条件下的蠕变特性。

    Creep property of undisturbed and reconstituted Japanese clay was presented based on drained triaxial compression tests .

  24. 隧道开挖扰动地层岩土环境,从而改变管线受力状态,引起管线变形递增。当变形超速或超量时,将导致管线破坏事故,地铁施工引起地下管线变形的安全性状问题日益受到关注。

    The metro tunneling has disturbed geologic and geotechnical environment , which has changed the loading state of underground pipelines and caused their increasing deformation .

  25. 为了研究湿化后的黄土剪切特征的变化,进行了对马兰黄土未经扰动和重塑土样的直接剪切盒测试。

    In order to investigate changes in the shear characteristics of loess soil when wetted , direct shear box test using the undisturbed and remolded samples of Malan loess soil was conducted .

  26. 首次对深松扰动的盐碱土进行水盐再分布规律和水盐运移模拟的研究,填补了深松土壤水盐运动规律的理论空白,为同类研究提供了借鉴。

    First researched on the redistribution rule of water-salt and the simulation of water-salt transfer to the the subsoiling saline-alkaline soil , filled the gap in the theory of the water-salt motion rule of subsoiling land , provided the reference for the similar research .

  27. 采用自由活塞薄壁取土器自地表至深度70m取得不扰动原状粉质土样,通过一系列物理力学试验,对比分析了天然沉积粉质土与天然沉积粘性土的异同。

    A free piston thin wall sampler was used to obtain undisturbed specimens of natural sedimentary silty soils from ground surface to the depth of 70 m. A series of tests were performed on both the undisturbed and the remolded / reconstituted samples .

  28. 取样扰动对饱和粉土动力特性的影响

    Sample 's disturbance effects on dynamic properties of saturated silty soil

  29. 讨论了城市市区进行的各种工程活动中,因施工扰动引起的环境土工损伤问题及其施工变形的智能预测与控制方法。

    The problems of environment geotechnical damage and the prediction and control of the deformations during construction by using artificial intelligent method are discussed in this article .

  30. 以滨海盐土、扰动人为新成土(客土)为对照,就利用海湾泥、碱渣和粉煤灰作为城市园林绿化种植基质的土壤微生物特性进行了研究。

    The microbial properties of artificial soil mixed with brackish dredged sediment , caustic sludge and coal ash were studied , with coastal solonchak and Turbi-Anthric Primosol as the control .