
  • 网络Soil density;soil bulk density
  1. 用~(137)Cs衰减法测定土壤密度和含水量的蒙特卡罗模拟

    Monte Carlo Simulation of the Soil Density and Moisture Content by the Attenution Method of ~ ( 137 ) C_s

  2. 用铯-137γ射线衰减法测量土壤密度和含水量

    Measurement of soil density and water content with Cs-137 gamma ray attenuation

  3. 通过试验研究了混合施用沼肥与化肥对温室内土壤密度、pH值及养分含量的影响,目的是为沼气的综合利用提供理论依据和技术支持。

    The paper studied the effect of anaerobic fermentation residues and chemical fertilizer mixing on soil bulk density , pH and nutrient in solar greenhouse , in order to provide a new way for comprehensive utilization of biogas .

  4. 降雨能使火烧迹地的土壤密度和分散系数升高、孔隙度下降。

    Rainfall makes the soil density and disperse coefficient increased and porosity decreased .

  5. 双能γ射线穿透法测量土壤密度和水含量

    Measurement of Soil Density and Water Content by Attenuation of Bi Energy γ Rays

  6. 电离辐射反散射土壤密度计

    Ionizing radiation backscatter soil density meter

  7. 高强度火烧对土壤密度、孔隙度和分散系数的影响显著。

    The influence of high intensity fire on the soil density , porosity and disperse coefficient is significant .

  8. 连年火烧使土壤密度比未烧林地下降,而孔隙度和分散系数升高。

    The soil density is decreased , and the disperse coefficient and porosity are increased in the sites where were burnt in successive years .

  9. 实验研究表明,随着土壤密度和滴头流量的增加,点源入渗水平向湿润锋的分布距离加大,垂向入渗距离相应减小,土壤湿润体的形状趋向于扁平状。

    With the increment of soil bulk density and water discharge rate , the movement of horizontal wetting front increased and the vertical movement decreased .

  10. 其中,秸秆对改良土壤密度、硬度等土壤结构方面有显著效果,饼肥、猪粪能提高土壤有机质含量。

    Straw had evident effect on improving the miniature form of soil such as density and hardness . Cake and pig 's excrement could obviously enhance the content of organic matter in soil .

  11. 结果表明,秸秆厢沟腐熟还田免耕试验2年后,土壤密度减小,孔隙度增加,土壤有机质、全氮、水解氮、速效钾含量增加。

    The results showed that the soil density was reduced , the hole capacities was augmented , and the content of the organic matter , the total and the hydrolyzable N , available K were increased after two-year no-tillage and straw return with ditch-degeneration .

  12. 4种植被类型0~30cm土层的土壤密度为天然灌丛天然草地乔木林地退耕地;

    By comparing the averaged soil physical properties of upper soil layer ( 0 ~ 30 cm ) among four main vegetation types , the soil density in abandoned farmland was the highest , the woodland the second , the grassland the third , and the shrub land the lowest .

  13. 林丹、DDT、溴氰菊酯和呋喃丹对模拟实验中的土壤线虫密度、线虫群落结构产生一定影响,但不是决定因素。

    Lindane DDT Deltamethrin and Carbofuran to exert a certain influence to soil nematode density , nematode community structure in being cultivated in a pot and experimental , but not a decisive factor .

  14. 土壤碳密度和土壤有机碳含量垂直分布规律一致,0~15cm土壤碳密度显著高于其他两层;

    Soil carbon density also decreased with soil depth , with the significantly higher content in 0-15 cm layer than those in other two layers .

  15. 结果表明:EN-1固化剂可显著增大土壤干密度,提高土壤抗剪强度和抗渗性,改善黄土的工程性能;

    The result indicated that EN-1 solidifying agent can remarkably increase the dry density , shear strength and impermeability ; improve the loess mechanical properties .

  16. 土壤线虫密度在这三种植物群落类型间没有显著差异。

    Total nematode density did not change significantly during the plant successional processes .

  17. 土壤采样密度及栅格尺度对处方图结果的影响

    Effects of soil sampling density and interpolation scale on variable rate prescription map

  18. 人口稠密区土壤氮密度空间分布估算及不确定性评价

    Estimation and Uncertainty Assessment of Spatial Distribution of Soil Nitrogen Density in Densely Populated Rural

  19. 主要结论分述如下:土壤氮密度受多因子综合作用。

    The main results were as follows : Soil nitrogen density was influenced by many factors .

  20. 你要的是那种排水非常好的东西,米勒德说,从自己花园里挖来的土壤,密度太大。

    You want something that drains really well , Ms. Millard said . Dirt from your garden is too dense .

  21. 随鼠类相对密度增大,可降低植被地下生物量和中小型土壤动物密度。

    With the rodent density increases , the vegetation underground biomass and the density of meso-microfauna arthropod soil animals become lower . 6 .

  22. 该模型成功地模拟了土壤碳密度随降水(或湿度)状况而变化的特征。

    This simple model can successfully simulate the large differences of soil carbon density at different precipitation ( or soil moisture ) situations .

  23. 土壤动物密度、类群数、群落多样性及均匀性在土层中分布均呈现一定的表聚性;

    The numbers of groups and individuals , the community diversity and the homogeneity of soil fauna decreased with the increase of sampling depth .

  24. 适度增雨可增大土壤动物密度和多样性,过度降雨会降低土壤动物密度和多样性。

    Moderate precipitation enhancement can increase the density and diversity of arthropods , excessive rainfall will reduce the density and diversity of arthropods . 4 .

  25. 随着入侵程度的增加,大型土壤动物密度略有下降,类群数增加;中小型土壤动物密度和类群数都略有上升;土壤动物群落多样性指数上升。

    With the increase in the degree of intrusion , the density of soil macro-animal decreased slightly with the increase in the number of group .

  26. 利用此模型还对全球潜在的土壤碳密度分布做了模拟,计算出全球土壤碳库为1152Pg。

    Using this model , we simulate the distribution of potential soil carbon density on global scale , the calculated global soil organic carbon pool is 1152 Pg.

  27. 在放牧和增雨条件下,中小型土壤动物密度与植被地下生物量都具有显著地正相关关系。

    Under Grazing and precipitation enhancement conditions , there was a significant positive correlation between the density of meso-microfauna arthropod soil animal and vegetation underground biomass . 5 .

  28. 根据大量实测的土壤碳密度资料并结合生产力模型,得到一组直接利用气候资料来计算平均土壤呼吸速率和土壤碳密度的公式,并同实测资料进行了对比。

    Based on observed soil carbon density data over wold wide and model results of net primary production , a simple model was built that can be used directly in calculating average soil respiration rate and soil carbon density .

  29. 豫西黄土高原地区主要造林树种根际土壤孢子密度不高,平均达40.8个/100g土。

    Although VAM fungi were in great abundance in the rhizosphere of major tree species for afforestation in the Loess Plateau of west Henan province , soil spore density was rather low , with an average of 40.8 spores per hundred gram soil .

  30. 密度分布:大型土壤动物密度,荒漠草原>农田>人工林地>退耕地;

    In the respect of density distribution , density of Large size soil animals in desert steppe is higher than that in farmland , that in farmland is higher than that in artificial woodland and that in artificial woodland is higher than that in quitted farmland .