
  • 网络soil porosity
  1. 毛竹林鞭根系对竹林土壤孔隙度有明显的影响。

    The rhizomes and root of bamboo affect the soil porosity obviously .

  2. 复垦土壤孔隙度变化规律与土壤容重相似。

    The law of reclaimed soil porosity is the same as the soil bulk density .

  3. 结果表明,土壤孔隙度在mm尺度上存在较为明显的变异;

    The results showed the evident existences of the vertical spatial variability of porosity in soils on mm-scale ;

  4. 2,可增加土壤孔隙度,提高土壤养分含量;

    , It can increase the . soil porosity and the content of soil nutrients ;

  5. 利用有机物覆盖地面可影响土壤孔隙度的变化并改善土壤的特性。

    Under soil cover with organic mulch the soil porosity can be regulated for improving soil physical properties .

  6. 灌污水后,两种土壤孔隙度先呈指数形式增加,而后保持稳定。

    In the course of sewage irrigation , soil porosity increases first with exponential law , then comes to stable state .

  7. 铁矿尾砂掺土对土壤孔隙度有显著影响,适当的掺砂比例可以显著增加土壤孔隙度。

    Soil porosity was significantly influenced by mixing tailing sands with soil and was increased by proper ratio of sands to soil .

  8. 次生灌丛的土壤孔隙度是53.0%,高出人工油松林21%;

    The soil porosity under the secondary shrub-land was 53.0 % , 21 % higher than that under the artificial Chinese pine forest .

  9. 结果表明:杨树林和刺槐林较大幅度地改善了土壤孔隙度、含水量、养分含量等等;

    The results revealed some changes in soil porosity , moisture content and nutrient content to the forest land amelioration , which shows establishing Populus spp.

  10. 土壤孔隙度增加2.5%~5.5%,提高4.6%~10.9%;

    The soil porosity was 2.5 % ~ 5.5 % higher than CK , an increase of 4.6 % ~ 10.9 % than the orginal percent ;

  11. 方差分析结果,种植模式、坡位对土壤孔隙度发育有显著影响,而种植模式与坡位的交互作用对土壤孔隙度发育影响不显著。

    Cropping patterns and position of slope have obvious affection to the development of the porosity of soil , while their interaction has not obvious affection .

  12. 土壤孔隙度表明土壤中空隙的体积,与含水量一起共同决定土壤中空气的含量,进而影响土壤中各种变化的进程和作物的生长。

    Soil porosity represents the void spaces of soil , together with moisture content , determines the air content of soil , then influences the soil processes and plant growth .

  13. 各试验模式土壤孔隙度和土壤非毛管孔隙度均表现出随土壤深度的增加而逐渐降低的趋势,但板栗间作模式的土壤孔隙度则表现为随土壤深度的增加而增加的变化动态。

    Soil porosity and soil non-capillary porosity tended to decrease with the increasing of soil depth , but on the contrary , in chestnut intercropping mode they tended to increase with the increasing of soil depth .

  14. 处理区表层土壤孔隙度提高65%,土壤含水量增加47%,冬季增温46℃,夏季降温达137℃。

    In the treated area , porosity of the topsoil was increased by 6.5 % , soil water content was increased by 4.7 % , the soil temperature in winter has been increased by 4.6 ℃ and the decrease of soil temperature in summer was 13.7 ℃ .

  15. 演替初期土壤的孔隙度和含水量增加,容重降低;

    But may raise soil bulk density and reduce soil porosity in the lower layer .

  16. 土壤表层孔隙度减小,尤其是大孔隙明显减少;

    Soil porosity decreased in the surficial soil , especially , in which the large porosity significantly decreased ;

  17. 不同林分类型之间,土壤总孔隙度与非毛管孔隙度差异较大,而毛管孔隙度的差别较小。

    The soil total porosity and the soil noncapillary porosity were different greatly between forest types , but the soil capillary porosity had little differ .

  18. 枫香分别与杉木、马尾松混交后土壤总孔隙度、非毛管孔隙度、毛管孔隙度得到提高,并由此而改善了混交林土壤的渗透性能。

    The results showed that mixed forests improved soil water-physical properties , that is , increased soil maximum moisture capacity , capillary capacity and field capacity .

  19. 土壤毛管孔隙度、土壤速效磷平均含量排列顺序为人工草地>林地>农田>天然草地;

    The order of the average content of soil capillary tube porosity , soil fast-acting phosphorus is : artificial lawn > forest land > farmland > natural pasture ;

  20. 随着恢复进程,表层土壤总孔隙度增大,土壤容重减小,与演替阶段均极显著相关;

    With the process of restoration , the top layer soil total porosity increases , and bulk density is reduced , above all relevant with the series succession stage prominently ;

  21. 土壤总孔隙度川道地为53.03%,水平梯田为50.54%,坡耕地为49.84%。

    Soil porosity of the flat field is 53.03 % , the level terraced field is 50.54 % , the slope field is 49.84 % . The change of the capillary hole is not big .

  22. 在任一施肥水平上,三种灌溉方式中,滴灌方式下的土壤总孔隙度、通气孔隙度、速效孔隙度最大,常规灌溉方式下的最小;

    Main results were as following : First , in any fertilization rate , among three irrigations ways , soil total porosity , aeration porosity , fast-acting porosity under the drip irrigation were biggest , and those under the conventional irrigation were smallest ;

  23. 广东省林地土壤非毛管孔隙度分布规律初探

    Studies on the Non-Capillary Porosity of Woodland Soil of Guangdong Province

  24. 土壤容重与孔隙度月变化趋势不明显。

    Month-change trend of soil bulk density and porosity is not very apparent .

  25. 天祝高寒草甸土壤容重与孔隙度时空变化研究

    Study on spatial-temporal changes of soil bulk density and soil porosity of alpine meadow in Tianzhu

  26. 四种植被模式枯落物现存量、土壤非毛管孔隙度和土壤渗透性能增幅有所不同,增幅最大是模式Ⅱ,其次是模式Ⅳ,再次是模式Ⅰ,最后是模式Ⅲ。

    Litter lays accounts , soil non-capillary porosity and infiltration capacity was distinctly increasing in four vegetation patterns .

  27. 高强度火烧对土壤密度、孔隙度和分散系数的影响显著。

    The influence of high intensity fire on the soil density , porosity and disperse coefficient is significant .

  28. 降雨后土壤的总孔隙度下降,通气孔隙下降较明显,同时速效孔隙和迟效孔隙增多。

    The total porosity and the aerate porosity decrease after the rain while the faster available porosity and the slow available porosity increase .

  29. 底层、中层和表层土壤非毛管孔隙度分别提高了113.3%、38.6%和32.6%;

    In mixed plantation the soil porosities of non-capillary in bottom , middle and top soil layers increased by 113.3 % , 38.6 % and 32.6 % .

  30. 土壤容重、孔隙度、有机质含量和粘粒含量对饱和导水率均有影响。

    The saturated hydraulic conductivities were very different between undisturbed and disturbed soil and were affected by bulk density , porosity , organic matter content , and clay content .