
  • 网络land function
  1. 遗传算法在城市土地功能配置规划中的应用

    Application of genetic algorithm in land function allocation planning

  2. 土地功能配置模型的建立旨在帮助规划师对各种不同功能土地的平面布置进行分析,从而找到最合理的城市土地布局;

    The land function allocation model is to help planner analyse different land function so as to find the most rational urban land function allocation scheme .

  3. 随着五大道作为文化旅游区的开发,这种土地功能转换的进程也逐渐加快。

    With the five Road area as a cultural tourism development , such land conversion function is gradually speeding up the process .

  4. 工业园生态型土地功能区是依据自然及人工特征对生态型人工复合系统或人类聚居地进行人为划分的区域。

    The ecotype function of land on industrial park is man-made according to the character of multiple system or residing land on nature and manpower .

  5. 历史上对农地及农民的地权问题从来都是众说纷纭、莫衷一是,其根源在于对土地功能的认知不一。

    Historically , opinions on agricultural land and the right of farmers were divergent . It roots in the different cognitions of the function of land .

  6. 宝鸡市“东岭村”城中村改造更新立足于开放与融合的规划思路,采用城市设计的方法,通过动态的土地功能置换实现城市空间形态的“跳跃式”重塑。

    This paper analyses the renewal mode of Dongling village in Baoji , such as planning ideas of open and harmonization , planning methods of urban design , dynamic replacement of land function .

  7. 在历史街区的动态保护性更新过程中,对原有土地功能进行合理调整,使之适应历史街区持久发展是保护更新手段的重要内容之一。

    In the Historic District to protect the dynamic update process , the functions of the original land reasonably adjusted to the Historic District is to protect the sustainable development means to update one of the important contents .

  8. 研究耕地的社会保障功能及其价值,有助于建立和发展我国农村社会保障体系,为耕地的合理配置利用、及其土地功能分类提供有效的依据。

    The purpose of this study is to contribute to the establishment and development of China s rural social security system , to provide an effective basis for the rational allocation of rural land use , and its land functional classification .

  9. 基于库区垂直地带性分异规律的分析,进行山地土地功能分区研究,提出发挥库区农业资源优势,大力发展山地高效特色农业的模式和对策。

    The land use function zones were divided based on the analysis of the principles of mountainous vertical terrain difference , and the model and countermeasure to develop the mountainous characteristic agriculture by exerting agricultural resources advantages were put forward in this paper .

  10. 以多目标决策理论、组合优化理论以及预测科学技术为依据,首先建立了土地功能配置模型,帮助规划师对各种不同功能土地的片面布置进行分析,从而找到最合理的城市土地布局;

    The paper uses multi objective decision theory , combination optimization theory and scientific prediction theory to construct land function allocation model . It can help planner to analyse different land function so as to find the most rational urban land function allocation scheme ;

  11. 农村土地保障功能与农村社会保障制度

    Rural land guarantee function and rural social guarantee system

  12. 发达地区土地保障功能弱化后的农村养老&以浙江为例

    Providing for the aged after soil security weakening in the development country district

  13. 土地审美功能凸显了土地美学的社会学意义。

    Land aesthetic social functions manifest the sociological meanings of the land aesthetics .

  14. 关于土地利用功能分区研究

    Research on the Division of Land - using Function

  15. 县域土地生态功能分区研究&以贵州省大方县为例

    Study on the Ecological Function Regionalization of County Land

  16. 以上内容构成了流域土地利用功能分区的理论体系。

    The above constitutes the watershed land use theory system function partition . 3 .

  17. 土地利用功能分类探讨

    Discussion on functional land use classification system

  18. 在对土地生态功能供需关系评价时,研究则通过界定了生态用地的概念与类型,构建了基于碳氧平衡的生态用地评价方法。

    As for land ecological function , the paper develops a evaluation method of ecological land based on carbon-oxygen balance analysis .

  19. 最后,土地市场功能失调,受到了缓慢、指令性的规划机制和投机性囤积的扭曲。

    Lastly , the market in land is dysfunctional , distorted by a slow , prescriptive planning regime and by speculative hoarding .

  20. 因此,文章从土地保障功能弱化问题和土地保障自身的缺陷两方面,深入分析自我养老存在的问题。

    Therefore , the article analyzed deeply the problems of self-old-age security from two angles : the weakness of old-age security dependence on land and its own problems .

  21. 农村社会的急剧变迁,使得传统的家庭养老、土地养老功能悄然弱化,农村社会养老保险的建立与完善势在必行。

    The rapid changes in rural society made the function of family and land Endowment quietly weakened , thus the foundation and improvement of social pension insurance in rural areas became imperative .

  22. 农村社会的老龄化、家庭保障功能的弱化、土地保障功能的虚化及其他的一些原因使得农村面临越来越严峻的养老现实。

    The attenuation of family security and the void of the farmland security function , as well as the aging problem and some other reasons have exacerbated the old-age insurance in rural areas .

  23. 它们只是依据二维平面土地使用功能所制定的城市增长模式,并没有考虑建筑物与空间的三维立体关系,也没有真正了解、反映人类行为。

    They are only modes of cities increase which depend on functions of two-dimension plane . The three-dimension solid relationship between buildings and space are not considered and human behaviors are not realized and reflected .

  24. 第二章为研究综述,分别就流域以及土地利用功能分区的相关问题进行了论述,并对流域土地利用功能分区的国内外进展进行了综述。

    The second chapter is the research review , respectively discussing the watershed and related problems of land use zoning . The progress in the functional zoning of land use at home and abroad is reviewed .

  25. 随着农村经济结构的全面转型,以及农村人口老龄化进程的加剧,家庭养老模式作用逐渐削弱、土地保障功能下降。

    As the rural economic structure is rolling out , and the intensification of rural residents ' aging , the action of household model of providing for the aged is weakening and the guarantee function of land is decreasing .

  26. 随着农村计划生育政策的推行以及农村家庭养老和土地养老功能的弱化,人口老龄化的趋势也越来越严峻,农村养老问题日益突出。

    With the implementation of rural family planning policy and rural family endowment and land endowment function of weakening , the aging of the population trends also more and more serious , rural endowment problems have become increasingly prominent .

  27. 建立基于土地保障功能的双向拍卖模型,将农户看成是土地使用权的卖方,对农地承包经营权有需要的他人或组织看作是买方,将政府视为拍卖商。

    In this model , farmers are considered as a seller who has land use right , and to those who are in need of land contractual management rights are regarded as a buyer , while the government is the auctioneer .

  28. 对于长期以家庭养老为主要养老模式的农村地区来讲,随着农村青壮年劳动力向城市转移和土地保障功能的降低,农民养老的压力日趋增大。

    In rural areas , Family pension is the main pension in long time . With young labor force transfer to the city and reduce of land security features in countryside , The pressure on pension of the farmers is increasing .

  29. 接着根据城市交通单元土地利用功能特征的划分,进行了城市交通出行距离分布规律研究,从宏观上将城市客运交通划分为短距离交通、中距离交通和长距离交通;

    Then according to the division of function characteristic of city traffic unit , the travel distance distribution of urban traffic is researched , and in macroscopic view the traffic is classified into three categories : short-distance traffic , middle-distance traffic and long-distance traffic .

  30. 对于该制度的实效,法学界和经济学界有着截然不同的观点,这些观点都割裂了农村土地经济功能与社会保障功能的统一,究其原因是由于受到价值冲突模式的影响。

    As to the actual effect of this system , the different views in law and economic circles all isolate the unity of the economic function and social security function , the cause of which is due to of the influence of Marx 's value conflict mode .