
  • 网络Soil conditioner;PAM
  1. PAM作为土壤结构改良剂,具有增强土壤颗粒间凝聚力,维持良好土壤结构,增强土壤入渗性能,增加土壤含水量及抑制土壤水分蒸发等作用。

    PAM as a soil conditioner , with enhanced soil particles cohesion , maintain good soil structure , increase soil infiltration properties , increasing soil moisture and reduce soil water evaporation effect .

  2. 人工合成土壤结构改良剂可分为石油化工产品、第三纪矿物产品以及无机物与有机物相结合产品共三类。

    There are three main types synthetic soil conditioner available , derived from petroleum chemicals , the Tertiary period minerals and organic materials .

  3. 聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)是一种新型高效土壤结构改良剂,对适宜的土壤它可抑制土壤表面结皮,增加土壤水分入渗。

    PAM is a new and high efficient agent for improving the soil structure . It can control surface crusting of eligible soil and increase infiltration .

  4. 聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)是一种新型的高效土壤结构改良剂,属高分子聚合物,具有很强的絮凝性,近年来一直是人们研究的热点。

    Polyacrylamide ( PAM ), a kind of macromolecule compound and a new type of effective soil structure improved addictive , has high ability of flocculation . The researchers have paid much attention to the study of PAM in resent years .

  5. 土壤结构改良剂在盆栽花卉土壤上的应用研究

    Application of soil conditioners to the soil of potting flower-plants

  6. 土壤结构改良剂的改土效果及其使用的研究

    Research On The Effect & Application Of Soil Texture Amendment

  7. 在水势相同的情况下,与对照相比,施加土壤结构改良剂的土壤可保持更多的水分,并增加土壤中有效水含量。

    Soil amendments can increase content of effective soil water .

  8. 土壤结构改良剂覆盖改土作用的研究

    Studies on the Effect of Covering and Improving Soil by Soil Conditioner

  9. 研究了以腐植酸共聚物作为土壤结构改良剂改良赤红壤后对该土壤化学性能的影响。

    The effects of humic acid copolymers on chemical properties of the soil are studied .

  10. 几种土壤结构改良剂的制备及其效用

    Preparation and effect of some soil conditioners

  11. 该文研究土壤结构改良剂对土壤水分动力学参数的影响。

    In this paper , the effects of soil amendments on soil hydrodynamic parameters were studied .

  12. 土壤结构改良剂对风沙土水稳性团聚体改良效果及机理的研究

    Study on Improvements of Modifiers on Soil Water-Stable Aggregates and Its Mechanisms in Aeolian Sandy Soil

  13. 还初步表明:幼林地使用土壤结构改良剂,可提高土壤水分。

    Also it is preliminarily indicated that using the improver in young growth land might increase soil moisture .

  14. 在某些国家中,尤其是法国,石膏在农业上用作为土壤结构改良剂。

    In some countries , especially France , gypsum is used agriculturally as a structure-improving agent for the soil .

  15. 粉碎氨化秸秆与无机土壤结构改良剂混合配施改良土壤孔隙分形维数效果较优。

    When the pulverized and ammoniated straw were mixed with inorganic soil structural amendment , the effect was more obvious on improving soil pore fractal dimension .

  16. 该文通过采用土壤结构改良剂水解聚丙烯腈处理黄绵土,以探讨幼林地土壤管理的有效措施。

    To take effective measures for management of young growth land , the soil structure improver hydropolyacrylonitrile was used to treat Huangmian soil in the experiment .

  17. 各处理的非饱和扩散率与对照相比,施加土壤结构改良剂的处理,在水平土柱试验中,远水端同一距离处土壤含水率要低于对照处理的含水率;

    Unsaturated diffusivity was also affected . Compared with control , at the same distance far from water supply in horizontal column , water content was lower than that of control .

  18. 本文所采用的化学方法是在土壤表面施加土壤结构改良剂,结构改良剂的主要成分为聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)与磷石膏(PG)。

    The chemical regulation method studied in the paper applied soil conditioners to the soil . Polyacrylamide ( PAM ) and phosphor-gypsum ( PG ) are known to be good soil conditioners for maintaining soil structure and increasing infiltration .