
  • 网络desalination;Desalinization
  1. 离心转速对渤海灰白冰脱盐作用的实验研究

    Testing study on desalination role of the gray-white ice in the Bohai Sea by the centrifugal rotational speed

  2. 我想达到了关键的脱盐作用点上。

    I think we 've hit a critical desalinization point .

  3. 对于初始含盐量较高的土壤,微咸水入渗也有脱盐作用,脱盐深度随累积入渗量的增加呈幂函数增加,随入渗水矿化度和土壤初始含水量的增加而减小;

    Infiltrated saline water can also desalt soil with high initial salt content , the desalting depth increased exponentially with cumulative infiltration , and decreased with increasing salinity of infiltration water and initial soil water content .

  4. 滴灌具有淋洗脱盐作用,即盐分积累到湿润锋附近,滴头下面土壤的含盐量相对较低。

    Drip irrigation has the function of taking off salinity , which means that the soil salt content under the water dropper is relatively low as the salts tend to be accumulated at the wetted front .

  5. 实验比较了超声波电脱盐联合作用和单一电脱盐作用的脱盐脱水效果。

    The results of dehydration and desalting of crude oil were compared between with ultrasound combined with electrical desalting and with electrical desalting only .

  6. 加注高效破乳剂,强化交直流弱电场的脱盐脱水作用,将单级脱盐的电耗降到0.18kW·h/t以下;

    After using high effect demulsifier and intensifying the function of the alternating direct weak electric field , the electricity consumption of each single desalting stage dropped to below 0.18 kwh / t.