
  • 网络Desulfurization equipment;desulphurization equipment;FGD
  1. 指出除尘和脱硫设备的应用能有效地促使元素汞向氧化汞的转化,并提高汞的脱除效率。

    It concluded that the application of ESP and FGD could efficiently push the conversion from elemental mercury to oxidized mercury and increased greatly the mercury removal .

  2. 提出整顿烟气脱硫市场,开展火电厂烟气脱硫设备后评估,优选脱硫工艺,继续加大政策支持力度,建立健全烟气脱硫技术规范体系,加强行业自律等建议。

    This paper recommends the streamlining of the FGD market , post-construction evaluation of FGD installed , promotion of better FGD technology , strengthening of governmental support , establishment of FGD standards , and improvement of industrial self-discipline .

  3. 基于PLC的燃煤锅炉烟气干式脱硫设备控制系统设计

    PLC-based Design of Dry Dust Desulfuration Control System for Coal Boiler

  4. 对于已经安装了湿法或半干法脱硫设备的锅炉,原有脱硫设备可同时用于脱除NOx,或者把该技术与湿式静电除尘器结合,实现除尘、脱硫、脱硝一体化,这样可减少设备的投资。

    In addition , for reducing equipment investment , it can also be integrated with wet ESP to achieve removing dust , NO_X and SO_2 simultaneously .

  5. 简易装卸设备介绍了潍坊化工厂35t/h锅炉烟气简易排烟脱硫设备的主要特征及运行成果。

    The main features and running result of Simplified Flue Gas Desulfurization System in Weifang Chemical Plant are introduced in this paper .

  6. 针对工业锅炉的洁净型煤技术不仅可以实现在无需除尘和脱硫设备的情况下大大减少SO2和烟尘的排放,还可以通过混配适当的添加剂充分改善燃煤的燃烧特性,提高工业锅炉的燃烧效率。

    The clean coal briquette technology for industrial boilers can not only greatly reduce the emission of sulfur dioxide and flue dust without any desulfurization equipment and dust collector installed , but also improve the combustion properties of coal .

  7. 介绍几种日本国开发的新型脱硫设备

    Introduction on new equipments for dust removal and desulfurization developed by Japan

  8. 合成气装置脱硫设备损伤分析及治理

    Damage Analysis of Desulfurizer Equipments for Synthesis Gas Plant and Its Prevention Measures

  9. 潍坊化工厂简易排烟脱硫设备二手设备

    Simplified flue gas desulfurization system in Weifang chemical plant

  10. 循环半干法烟气脱硫设备

    Circular and Semi-dry Process Flue Gas Desulphurization Equipment

  11. 并且在我国工业锅炉基本上没有安装烟气脱硫设备。

    Industrial boiler is not basically installed flue gas desulfurization equipment in our country .

  12. 第一炼钢厂纯镁脱硫设备系统的改造与开发

    Revamp and development of pure Mg desulphurization equipment system in No.1 Steel-making plant of WISCO

  13. 中小型燃煤锅炉及工业炉窑烟气除尘脱硫设备的研究

    Study on Equipment of Desulfurization and Dedusting of Flue Gas from Middle-minitype Coal-fired Boilers and Industry Stoves

  14. 且检修费时费力,增加了运行成本,降低了脱硫设备的投入率。

    The results were in the increase of operating costs , and the decrease of the utilization coefficient of desulfurization equipments .

  15. 这些资金将用来为省会太原的燃煤钢厂购买大量的脱硫设备。

    The money will help pay for desulfurization equipment for large , coal-fired steel plants in the provincial capital , Taiyuan .

  16. 对帮助维护火电厂脱硫设备的运行和管理有重要的理论意义和实用价值。

    It has important theoretical significance and practical value to help maintain the operation and management of thermal power plant desulfurization equipment .

  17. 虽然,目前国内外主要以通过改造脱硫设备系统的结构来解除结垢问题,但结果并不十分理想。

    At present domestic and foreign method to solve the scaling problem is to rebuild the desulfurization system structure , but the result is not ideal .

  18. 该设备不同于电厂等企业的脱硫设备,在达到国家的排放标准的同时,还必须严格保证熔窑稳定的温度和压力制度。

    The desulphurization equipment should not only be up to the national emission standard , but also it should ensure the stability of temperature and pressure system .

  19. 许多发电厂一直不愿承担二氧化硫减排方面的费用,有时甚至在被迫安装了脱硫设备后也不使用。

    Many power plants have been reluctant to bear the cost of cutting SO2 emissions , sometimes not switching on desulphurisation equipment even when forced to install it .

  20. 与其他脱硫设备相比,撞击流吸收器具有结构简单、不易结垢、吸收剂利用率较高、动力消耗低等优点。

    Compared with other DFG devices , it had some advantages such as simple structure , less solid fouling , less absorbent consumption , lower power consumption , etc.

  21. 在不对原有脱硫设备进行改造升级的前提下采用操作简单、价格低廉、容易获得的脱硫添加剂解决上述问题是一项合理的选择。

    In fact , using simple , inexpensive and readily available desulfurization additives to solve the above problem is a reasonable choice on the premise of not upgrading the original desulfurization equipment .

  22. 对脱硫设备的特点及选择合理工艺流程进行分析探讨,为西山或地方中小高硫煤矿选煤厂脱硫系统的建设和改造提供选择方案。

    The characteristics of coal desulphurization equipment are analyzed , the technological process about reasonable choosing are discussed in this paper , the optimal building and improving plan for Xishan and high-sulphur coal mine are suggested .

  23. 由此国家环保局,各级电力公司也迫切需要一套能够自动对火电厂排放烟气及脱硫设备运行工况进行实时监测及分析的信息化系统。

    Thus the Environmental Protection Agency and all levels of Power Company are also crying out for a software system which can be able to monitor the emission of smoke pollution and the status of Thermal Power Plant flue gas continuous measuring device automatically .

  24. 一位协同环保总局工作的专家表示:“许多地方已经安装了脱硫设备,同时,在脱硫设备使用状况在线监测方面也做了大量的工作,这极大地提高了(减排)效果。”

    " A lot of localities have installed desulphurisation equipment , " said one expert who works with SEPA . " Also , a lot more work has been done on online monitoring of the use of desulphurisation equipment , greatly increasing its effectiveness . "

  25. 湿法烟气脱硫除尘设备应用中存在的问题

    Problems in the application of wet flue gas desulfurization and dedusting equipment

  26. 焦炉煤气脱硫主要设备的工艺计算

    Craft Calculation of Main Desulphurization Equipment of Coke Gas

  27. 锅炉烟道气脱硫除尘设备防腐的研究

    Study on the Anticorrosion of Flue Gas Desulfurization Equipment

  28. 一种高效除尘脱硫一体化设备的应用研究

    Study and Application of an Integrated Dust-Removal and Desulfurization Equipment with High Efficiency

  29. 烟气脱硫除尘设备和技术的研究及应用

    Researches on Flue Gas Dedust & Desulphurization Equipment and Technology for Furnaces and its Application

  30. 中强磁场对烟气湿法脱硫的设备和脱硫效率的影响

    Impact of medium-high magnetic field on flue gas wet sulfur removal equipment and sulfur removal efficiency