
  1. 烟气海水脱硫工艺的实践经验及改进

    Practice Experiences and Improvement of Flue-gas Desulfurization Via Seawater

  2. 妈湾发电总厂烟气海水脱硫工艺及运行分析

    Analysis on the operation of flue gas desulfurization process with ea-water in Mawan General Power Plant

  3. 烟气海水脱硫工艺利用天然海水作为吸收剂,不需要添加任何其它化学物质。

    Natural seawater is used as the absorbent in the FLAKE HYDRO FGD technology and no other chemical substance is to be added .

  4. 海水烟气脱硫工艺利用海水吸收烟气中的SO2,具有技术成熟、工艺简单、投资省、运行方便等特点,是其它脱硫工艺无法比拟的。

    The seawater desulphurization is a technic to absorb SO2 in flue gas using seawater . Technically , it is mature , simple and convenient to run , and therefore incomparable with other desulphurization technics .

  5. 燃煤电厂海水烟气脱硫工艺原理初探

    Primary research on the principle of seawater flue gas desulphurization for power

  6. 海水烟气脱硫工艺原理及其目前在火电厂的应用

    FGD by Use of Sea Water Process Principles and Recent Power Plant Application

  7. 介绍了东方锅炉自主开发的纯海水烟气脱硫工艺特点。

    The paper describes the process characteristic of pure seawater flue gas desulphurization ( SWFGD ) developed by Dongfang Boiler Group Co.

  8. 介绍了利用海水进行烟气脱硫工艺的原理及工艺特点,并探讨了这项工艺在我省沿海电厂的应用前景。

    This article gives an introduction to the basic process principle and technology features of flue gas desulfurization and probe the application in coastal power plants of Shandong .

  9. 针对大连首家引进海水脱硫工程的案例,介绍海水脱硫工艺的工作原理及国内外的实施概况。

    Combined with the first seawater desulfurization engineering case in Dalian , the principles of seawater desulfurization process and the applications both at home and abroad were introduced .

  10. 那么在渤海湾海域建设的滨海电厂采用海水脱硫是否可行呢?分析研究认为不宜在渤海湾选择海水脱硫工艺。

    With the rapid development of electric power , more than thirty power plants in Bohai Gulf have adopted the seawater desulfurization technology recently .