
  • 网络Ocean Storm;Sea Storm
  1. Neyman-Pearson决策准则及在海洋风暴潮预报中的应用

    Neyman-Pearson Decision Criterion and Its Application in Forecasting Marine Storm Surge

  2. 下扬子区三叠纪海洋风暴沉积与古地理演变

    Paleogeographic Evolution and Marine Storm Deposits Presented in Triassic Strata in the Lower Yangtze Valley

  3. 北半球的强海洋风暴一般在赤道附近形成于夏末秋初。

    Severe ocean storms in the northern half of the world generally develop in late summer or early autumn near the equator .

  4. 南半球较少出现强海洋风暴.风暴运动的季节是12月~月。

    Severe ocean storms happen less often in the southern hemisphere . There the season of greatest activity is between December and March .

  5. 模拟显示,随着污染程度加深,太平洋的飓风日益增强,且海洋风暴的发生次数也在不断上升。

    According to their simulations , cyclones in the Pacific Ocean are being strengthened by the pollution levels , and there 's an increase in ocean storms in general .

  6. 该方法用于海洋风暴潮预报,能够较好地平衡预报率与虚警率间的关系。

    This method has been used to forecast the marine storm surge , and it is shown from the forecast results that the method can coordinate the balance between forecast rate and false warning rate .

  7. 同时,补充的涡动有效位能又加强了暖异常区的暖湿空气上升运动,进而产生积云对流活动及其潜热释放的正反馈过程,最终导致涡动动能急剧增长和海洋风暴的形成。

    Meanwhile , the compensatory eddy potential energy also enhances the upward motion of anomaly warm air that leads to cumulus convective activities and ensuing latent heat release . This builds a positive feedback process and results in the rapid growth of eddy kinetic energy and marine storm genesis .

  8. 他曾任海军军官,根据他的声音和举动,可以猜出他是来自海洋和风暴;在战斗中他坚持飓风式的战斗作风。

    He had been an officer in the navy , and , from his gestures and his voice , one divined that he sprang from the ocean , and that he came from the tempest ; he carried the hurricane on into battle .

  9. 海洋工程中台风暴潮及风暴海流的计算分析大电流密度下阴极产物膜的探讨

    Calculation and analysis of the storm surge and the storm current in the ocean engineering

  10. 一个简单的二维线性模式用于考查近海海洋对过境热带风暴的动力响应过程中的底坡度和底摩擦效应。

    A simple linear two-dimensional model is used for testing the bottom friction and slope effects on the dynamic response of a coastal ocean to the passing tropical storms .