
  • 网络Requirements identification;Need recognition
  1. 基于Rough集的制造装备维修需求识别决策的研究

    The Identification Decision of Maintenance Requirement for Equipment Based on Rough Set

  2. 第二章选取了代表性的C企业,分析了创意型服务行业的特点,论述需求识别的基础理论。

    The second chapter has selected representative C enterprise , analyzes the creative service industry characteristics , this paper discusses the basic theory of needs recognition .

  3. 第三章以C企业具体案例为研究点,需求识别在具体案例中的应用,分析现有项目管理中存在的利弊。

    The third chapter in C enterprise specific cases for research point , needs recognition in the specific case application , the analysis of existing project management exists in the disadvantages .

  4. 正确的培训需求识别(TNI)是为了提供有价值的信息以确保培训能改善绩效。

    Proper training identification ( TNI ) must be carried out in order to provide valuable inputs to ensure that the training programme is designed to improve performance .

  5. 大规模定制产品的客户需求识别及定价策略分析

    Customers Demands Indentify and Analysis of Pricing Strategies under Mass Customization

  6. 关键成功因素法在决策者信息需求识别中的应用

    Application of Critical Success Factor in Decision-maker Information Need Identification

  7. 大规模定制消费品顾客需求识别研究

    Study on Identification of Customer Needs of Mass Customization Products

  8. 这些建模获得的模型,可以更好地帮助服务人员进行客户需求识别与分析,获取产品服务工程技术特征。

    The MRO models will be used to help service engineers analyze customer requirements , and acquire engineering characteristics .

  9. 最后,在需求识别模型的基础上,提出了影响电子政务需求因素的概念模型。第四,研究了影响公民电子政务需求的关键因素。

    Finally , a conceptual model which affects demand is proposed . Fourthly , key factors affecting citizen demand are discussed .

  10. 针对复杂产品概念设计过程建立由需求识别、技术模块明晰和评价反馈二部分组成的产品概念设计模型,认为成功的产品概念设计是经过以上流程所最终确定的;

    The model of product conception development is built which is composed of demands identifying , technological modules identifying and conception appraisement .

  11. 然后在需求识别的基础上确定房地产管理系统的建设目标,分析了系统的基本特征和功能以及系统建设的内容。

    And at the demand for recognition based on the system objectives . Then it analyzes the basic characteristic and function of this system .

  12. 依据需求识别和价值工程两大理论支持,分投标报价、详细设计和项目实施三个阶段分别建立项目需求识别阶段流程;

    On the basis of requirement identification and value engineering , the three phases of bidding , detailed design and project implementation requirement identification process are established .

  13. 从而根据收益管理的思想提出大规模定制产品应首先准确、及时的进行需求识别和需求预测,然后进行差别定价,达到收益的最大化。

    According to the revenue management , the company of mass customization should accurately identify needs and demand forecasts , and then proceed to differential pricing to maximize revenue .

  14. 探讨了相关研究领域对体验概念的界定、体验及体验消费的根本内涵,以及客户体验需求识别和客户体验设计。

    Explore the relevant research fields to define the concept of experience , experience and experience the fundamental content consumption , as well as the customer experience needs identification and design of the customer experience .

  15. 企业文化转型必须从需求识别开始,以行政指导为核心,构建与新的企业文化相适应的新的企业管理制度,而培训是一种必不可少的有效手段。

    Corporate culture transforms must distinguish from need beginning , takes that administration guides as core , structures the new enterprise management system fitting in with each other with new corporate culture , trains but being one kind of essential effective means .

  16. MC模式下的多类型客户需求信息识别和表达方法研究

    Research on Identification and Description Approaches to the Information about Customer Needs for Mass Customization

  17. 通过动态的QFD可以有效地对动态需求进行识别和分析;在需求分析阶段,为了将识别阶段获取的语言描述性的需求定量分析,采用了模糊语言的方法,用语言变量来代替数学变量。

    Through dynamic QFD we can effectively identification and analyze the dynamic requirements . In the requirements analysis phase , in order to change language acquisition into quantitative analysis , we use the vague language of the method , using linguistic variables to replace the math variables .

  18. 消费者需求的识别与培育研究

    The Research of Consumer 's Demands Discernment and Cultivation

  19. 管理需求并且识别出需求与项目计划、工作产品不一致的地方。

    Requirements are managed and inconsistencies with project plans and work products are identified .

  20. 对汉语孤立字识别,本系统能较好满足基本需求,识别率达到92%。

    For isolate word speech recognition , this system can meet our basic needs well , and the recognition accuracy rate is 92 % .

  21. 器械需求应该识别对象器械,最终成品器械的所有性能要求、物理参数、安全和兼容特征等。

    Device requirements should identify all of the desired performance , physical , safety and compatibility characteristics of the proposed device and , ultimately , the finished device .

  22. 该方法识别效率高,错误积累小,可以根据文字特征选择识别算法,根据应用需求确定识别层次,具有较高的实用价值。

    This method is efficient with small error accumulation . It is very practical for it can select algorithm according as characteristic of script and select step according as application requirement .

  23. 既然您理解了维度和事实表的处理,就让我们看一看真实世界的例子,以探索如何从业务需求中识别维度和测度。

    Now that you understand the process for both the dimension and fact tables , let 's look at a real world example to explore how to identify the dimension and measures from the business requirements .

  24. 要真正实现顾客价值的最大化,企业必须在扩大市场占有率、识别顾客需求、识别顾客满意的质量因素、产品的创新和细分顾客过程等方面用质量的理念给予认真思考。

    To realize the maximization of customer value , enterprise must ponder deeply with the ider of qulity on the aspects such as expanding the market share , discerning customer demands , discerning qualitative factors of customer satisfactions , innovation of product and segmenting customer .

  25. 针对网络化CAPP的需求,将识别、补充的特征信息以XML文件的形式存入产品设计数据库。

    All the information is saved in the products design database in the form of XMLfile according to the requirement of Web CAPP system .

  26. 雨洪资源利用功能与需求耦合效益识别法研究

    A Benefit Identification Method of Coupling Function and Demand in Rain and Flood Resources Utilization

  27. 贫困地区农户的正规信贷需求:直接识别与经验分析

    Farmers ' Demand for Formal Credit in the Poor Areas : Direct Identification and Empirical Analysis

  28. 这就完成了对服务以及它们是如何同业务需求相关的识别。

    This completes the identification of the services and how they relate to the business requirements .

  29. 作为该类用例功能性分析的一个常见的结果,缺失的需求会被识别出来。

    As a normal consequence of such use case functional analysis , missing requirements are identified .

  30. 在制造装备的维修决策中维修需求的正确识别决定了维修资源配置的合理性。

    The identification of maintenance requirement for equipment is the key technology of implementing equipment resources optimizing .