
  • 网络chilling requirement;c.u.
  1. 桃品种自然休眠结束期及需冷量

    Studies on the rest release period and the chilling requirement of Peach Varieties

  2. 亚洲百合鳞茎休眠过程中需冷量的研究

    Studies on Chilling Requirement of Lily Bulbs ( Lilium Asiatic hybrids ) in Dormancy

  3. 硫脲、GA3打破不同需冷量观赏桃花品种自然休眠的效果研究

    Effect of Thiourea and GA_3 on Endo-dormancy Breaking of Ornamental Peach Cultivars Having Different Chill Requirements

  4. 对分离氨所需冷量也进行了估算。

    The refrigeration required for separation of ammonia is also estimated .

  5. 桃需冷量遗传特性的研究

    Study on the Inheritance of Chilling Requirement of Crossed Peach Progenies

  6. 五个短需冷量桃品种在北京温室的表现

    The Performance of Five Low Chilling Peach Varieties in Greenhouse of Beijing

  7. 枣、石榴、无花果需冷量测定试验初报

    Preliminary Report about Chilling Requirement Determination of Jujube , Pomegranate and Fig

  8. 制冷降温掘进工作面的风温预测及需冷量计算

    Prediction of air temperature in heading face and calculation of cooling amount

  9. 枣若干品种需冷量测定

    Studies on the Chilling Requirement of Chinese Jujube Cultivars

  10. 不同需冷量桃品种芽休眠诱导期间的生理变化

    Physiological changes of peach cultivars with different chilling requirement during bud dormancy induction

  11. 超红短枝的需冷量为450小时左右。

    Chilling requirement of the ' Super red Spur ' was about 450 hours .

  12. 不同需冷量桃树对周年光温变化的生长和生理响应研究

    Growth , Dormancy and Freezing Tolerance of Different Chilling Requirement Peach Cultivars under Seasonal Changes

  13. 苏南地区主要落叶果树的需冷量及休眠解除生理机制的研究

    Physiological Mechanism and Chilling Requirement of Main Deciduous Trees in Southern Area of Jiangsu Province

  14. 葡萄品种需冷量及打破休眠研究

    Cold Mountain Study on the Chilling Requirement of Grape Cultivars and the Methods for Breaking the Dormancy

  15. 落叶果树需冷量的研究进展连翘是木犀科连翘属植物,落叶灌木,传统以果实入药。

    The Advance of Studying on Chilling Requirement of Defoliate Fruits Forsythia Suspensa Vahl . belongs to Oleaceae 's defoliate shrub .

  16. 在需冷量的估算上,0~7.2℃模型和犹他模型计算的需冷量结果比较一致。

    This experiment indicated that 0 ~ 7.2 ℃ chilling unit was the same as Utah models in measuring the chilling requirement .

  17. 低需冷量桃品种花芽分化期叶片中的代谢物质的含量比长需冷量桃品种相对高些。

    The content of metabolize substance in leaves of low chilling requirement peaches was higher than that of the long chilling requirement ones .

  18. 小白菜氮钾适用量研究桃需冷量遗传特性的研究

    Effect of Nitrogen and Potassium fertilizer on Yield and Quality of Brassica chinensis Study on the Inheritance of Chilling Requirement of Crossed Peach Progenies

  19. 明确需冷量是落叶果树设施促成栽培的先决条件,也是设施促成栽培中选用品种的重要依据。

    The determination of chilling requirement is a prerequisite in forcing cultivation for deciduous fruit trees , and also important foundation for selection of varieties .

  20. 测试结果表明,在室外潮湿的情况下,溶液除湿机组提供的冷量约占所需冷量的50%;

    The test results show that the dehumidification system affords around 50 % of the total load in humid days and 40 % in dry days .

  21. 综合有关文献,介绍了落叶果树需冷量的概念、估算方法、研究现状、生物学机制和存在问题。

    This paper summarizes the conception , estimating methods , current situation of studies , biological mechanisms and problems on chilling requirement of deciduous fruit crops .

  22. 主要结果如下:1.10个中、低需冷量桃品种,在需冷量高低与需热量高低上,花芽与叶芽间没有明显的规律性关系。

    The main results were as follows : 1 . For the 10 varieties , there were no regular relations between chilling requirements of leaf buds and flower buds .

  23. 同一年份,同一品种花芽和叶芽需冷量不同,基本趋势是花芽的需冷量小于叶芽。

    So the chilling requirement was different for various cultivars , the basic trend was vegetative buds is bigger than floral buds ' for one cultivar in a year .

  24. 它的开花需冷量较低,雌蕊败育率低,自花结实率高,丰产、稳产性强;

    On the other hand , it 's chilling requirement was low too . It has such good characteristics as high-stable yield , high self-fruitful ability and low pistils abortion rate .

  25. 其次种苗的营养状况、花芽分化的状态、不同品种的低温需冷量及催花期的温度和光照是影响八仙花促成栽培花期和品质的重要因素。

    Secondly , the main factors also include nutrition condition of the seedling , state of differentiation of floral bud , chilling requirement of the varieties , the temperature and illumination of flower induction and so on .

  26. 明确了四种百合的确切需冷量。亚洲百合至少需30天以上低温处理,东方百合则至少需处理90天以上。

    The chilling requirement of the four lily bulbs as follow : Lilium Asiatic hybrids need 30 days low temperature treatment at least , but for Lilium Oriental hybrids , we must exposure them to low temperature above 90 days .

  27. 同时流量还与系统所需冷量以及系统的冰浆生成量有直接关系,流量的选取也至关重要。

    Water flow is also directly related to the required cooling capacity and ice slurry production of the system , so the selection of water flow is also crucial . ( 4 ) The ambient air temperature , relative humidity , flow rate will also affect the cooling process .