
  1. 二是创新型科技人才创造心理的培养需要教育的创新。

    Secondly , the cultivation of creative psychology needs the education 's innovation .

  2. 我们需要教育主管部门的支持。

    We need the support of the Education Board .

  3. 民办高等教育的发展同样需要教育经费的支持。

    The development of private higher education also needs the support of education funding .

  4. 要让大学生树立科学、合理的幸福观,需要教育和引导。

    University students should be guided to establish a scientific and rational concept of happiness .

  5. 特殊教育教师专业化与特殊需要教育

    Professional Development of Teacher and Special Education

  6. 两种道路都需要教育,但教育的科目却完全不同。

    Both life paths required education , but the subjects of study were completely different .

  7. 我们需要教育税吗?

    Do We Need Educational Tax ?

  8. 为了使尊重学生的原则落到实处,需要教育管理制度的保证。

    Special educational management mechanisms are needed in order to fulfill the principle of student focus .

  9. 需要教育者从自身的认识和教学方式上进行一定的改进。

    This needs educator to put their own understanding and teaching methods on the improvement of education .

  10. 预防心灵灾难,需要教育,培养出耐磨、抗压的健康心灵。

    To prevent spiritual calamities , one needs to learn how to nurture a resilient and healthy spirit .

  11. 他表示,大部分从南苏丹军队退伍的士兵需要教育和培训。

    He says most of the soldiers who have come out of the southern army need education and training .

  12. 20世纪90年代中期以来,俄罗斯政治和教育界一直在进行有关是否需要教育标准的讨论。

    Since mid 1990s , Russian politics and educationalists have been entangled with the debate whether Russia needs education standards .

  13. 高等教育教学改革需要教育领域内外各种动力资源所形成的合力来推动。

    Teaching reform needs to be pushed by a resultant force formed with all dynamic resources in and outside education circle .

  14. 同时受客观现实条件限制,发展性评价的有效实施存在困境,这需要教育人的长期不懈努力。

    Restricted by objective reality condition , the effective implementation of developmental assessment has predicament , this needs educators ' long-term unremitting efforts . 3 .

  15. 只有教育改革家和革新者才感到需要教育哲学,那些墨守成规的人只是需要一点点动听的话语来点缀和辩解现存的实践。

    Only educational reformers and innovators find the necessity of educational philosophy , while those scholastics just need a few fair-sounding words to exculpate for existing practice .

  16. 师专女生由于身处特殊的阶段和环境,其性心理现状有着独特的特点,迫切需要教育工作者的关注。

    Because of normal junior college female students'special developmental stage and living environment , their sexual psychology has unique characteristic and need concerns of education workers urgently .

  17. 现代水墨做为一种艺术现象,他的艺术成果转化必然需要教育的过程,本文试图从这方面进行论证。

    Phenomenon of modern ink painting as an art , his artistic achievements of the transformation process must require education , this paper attempts to demonstrate this aspect .

  18. 我们需要教育我们的孩子,不仅是超级碗比赛的获胜者值得庆祝,那些科学大赛的赢家也应当值得庆祝。

    We need to teach our kids that it 's not just the winner of the Super Bowl who deserves to be celebrated , but the winner of the science fair .

  19. 教育是全社会的事业,教育改革的成功实施、教育质量的真正提高,需要教育内、外部力量的通力合作和相互支持。

    Education is the undertaking of whole society . The successful implementation of education reform , the real improvement of the quality of reform requires the cooperation and support of the internal and external forces .

  20. 大学生创业教育的实施不仅需要教育教学的变革,更重要的是高校管理的各个方面应快速做出调整,适应并促进创业教育的开展。

    The implementation of undergraduate enterprise education demands not only the reform of education and instruction , but also the rapid adjustment of each aspect of higher academies in order to adapt and promote it .

  21. 在当前的教育领域,教育的现代化需要教育技术的现代化,这样以计算机技术为中心的嵌入式技术在普及信息化教育和提高当前教育质量发挥了重要的作用。

    In current education realm , the educational modernization needs a technical modernization , thus , the embedded techniques based on the computer science places an important role on the information-based education and increases current education quality .

  22. 特殊需要教育理念对传统的残疾、缺陷、隔离、慈善的理念进行了全面扬弃,给特殊教育事业带来了新的曙光。

    The special needs education concept has developed the good and discarded the bad comprehensively on the traditional concept of " disability " and " defects ", " isolation " and " charity ", bringing the new dawn for the special education enterprise .

  23. 因此,培养初中生数学阅读能力是一个系统工程,它需要教育者有一整套计划、步骤、方法并遵循初中生的心理发展规律。

    Therefore developing a junior high school to living mathematics reading ability is a system engineering , it is the one who need to educate have one whole set of plan , step , method and follow the development regulation of the mental state that the junior high school living .

  24. 这只需要改变教育界的思维方式。

    It would just require a shift in the education world 's mindset .

  25. 为了达成这目的,他们需要西方教育。

    And to do that , they need a Western education .

  26. 我选择基于课程内容和学生需要的教育作策略。

    I selected instructional strategies based on lesson content and students'needs .

  27. 在中国,每个孩子需要接受教育。

    In China , every child needs to receive education .

  28. 认为青年是需要培养教育的;

    Think that youth need to be nurtured and educated ;

  29. 广泛存在的教育弊端需要活动教育思想的冲击。

    The popular education abuses need the impact of the idea of activity .

  30. 你要活在世上,还需要接受教育。

    And you need an education in this world .