
  • 网络Demand time;require time;DATE;needtime;touch time
  1. 基于需求时间特征的公共系统服务区域优化

    Optimum Service Area of an Infrastructure System Based on its Temporal Features

  2. 接着利用谱分析方法对电力需求时间序列进行频域分析。

    Subsequently it carries on frequency domain analysis to the power demand time series with the spectrum analysis method .

  3. 目的拟合医疗服务需求时间序列资料的预测模型。

    Objective To fit the prediction model that suit to the time series data of the medical service demand .

  4. 航材是一种特殊的物资储备,运用一般预测理论很难对其需求时间和需求量进行预测。

    Aircraft spare parts , a special materials reserve , are hard to forecast demand-time and demand-quantity by normal forecasting theory .

  5. 但是这些新式的无线治疗设备可以处理手术过程,而且能够根据需求时间在几分钟或者几周内自动降解。

    But these new wireless therapy devices can handle the surgical process , and can then dissolve in minutes or weeks , depending on the time needed .

  6. 该模型通过对航空器材使用信息进行可靠性分析,得出零件可靠性寿命函数,并根据给定可靠度下的零件寿命预测航空器材需求时间。

    Through parts reliability data the model gets the reliable life function of spare parts and determines parts demand time , depending on part life at given reliabilities .

  7. 客运专线不同于传统铁路,它有着列车速度高,客运专用,受旅客出行时间影响大,运输需求时间分布不均衡等特点。

    Compared to the traditional railway , the passenger transportation special line is only for passenger with high speed , and is easy influenced by the passenger travel time and the travel demand time-distributed illproportioned .

  8. 在本文的后部分详尽地对应用的方面做了分析,笔者认为比较突出的在于对学习曲线的非线性的计划需求时间的一致。

    In the last part of this thesis , it has made elaborate analysis on application , and the author thinks that the prominent is the consistency of learning curvilinear planning required time of nonlinearity .

  9. 针对动员物资需求时间要求紧迫,需求量和需求规模具有不确定性的特点,在敏捷动员理论的基础上,提出了物资敏捷动员理论。

    This paper proposes the theory of material agile mobilization according to its characteristics of requiring uncertain quantity in a very urgent time , on the bases of analyzing the relative theories of agile mobilization .

  10. 研究在需求时间价格同时敏感下,两级供应链的最优响应策略,并分别对线性需求和非线性需求两种模型做了对比分析,说明不同需求模型下供应链决策的异同。

    This paper focus on the optimal response strategy of the two-level supply chain when the demand both time - and price-sensitive based on the concerned literature researches . Its also give a comparative analysis between the linear and nonlinear demand model .

  11. 当您的需求随时间增加时,IBM可以通过WebSphereApplicationServer配置提供高级的功能,比如SOA。

    As your needs grow over time , IBM can provide a clear path to advanced capabilities such as SOA through WebSphere Application Server configurations .

  12. 本文提出一种简便的定位特征词的方法,不仅满足了实验需求且时间效率非常高,时间复杂度为0(n)。

    This paper presents a simple method of positioning feature words , not only meet the test requirements and is more efficiency on time , the time complexity is O ( n ) .

  13. 提出了一种需求随时间指数增长,同时采购价值时间指数下降的改进EOQ库存模型。

    This article presents an improved EOQ inventory model with time-varying demand and time-varying purchase price .

  14. 安全关键系统(safety-criticalSystem)经常有功能需求与时间要求,对于许多系统来说,实时系统的精确需求是必需的,而Object-Z不能描述面向对象实时软件系统。

    Safety-critical system has function requirement and time requirement frequently . Precise requirement for real-time system is essential , but Object-Z is difficult to describe Object-Oriented real-time software system .

  15. 基于短缺量部分拖后的EPQ模型,考虑需求随时间指数增长以及缺货和现货期间生产率不相同对库存管理补充策略的影响,建立了相应的生产库存模型。

    Based on the former EPQ models with partial backlogging , this paper develops an EPQ model with exponential time-varying demand and different productivities .

  16. 由于需求随时间而发生变化,后来您可能需要插入某种代理或拒绝服务(DoS)预防设备或其他中介。

    Requirements change over time and you may want to insert some sort of proxy or denial of service ( DoS ) prevention device or other intermediary at a later time .

  17. 本文提出一种2阶段的调度策略TPSS。该策略在任务的调度过程中综合考虑了任务的安全需求与时间限制。

    In this dissertation , we propose a novel two-phase scheduling strategy TPSS which takes timing constraints and security needs into consideration .

  18. 当前需求要求时间点一致性,例如业务关闭。

    Currency requirements demand point-in-time consistency , such as close of business .

  19. 需求随时间变化的物流中心动态选址

    Dynamic Location of Logistic Centers When Customer Demand Is Varied with Time

  20. 业务需求随时间而变化。

    Business requirements evolve over time .

  21. 客户需求随着时间的变化而变化,在每个时段均建立一个物流中心。

    The demand is changing with a given time and the logistic centers are built at given time .

  22. 食用醋酸是用谷物发酵而来,它的成本更高,生产过程需求的时间更长。

    Edible acetic acid is from cereal fermentation , which is more costly and requires a longer production process .

  23. 由于超量配置以及典型企业应用程序资源需求随时间而不断发生变化,往往导致数据中心未得到充分利用。

    Data centers are often underutilized due to over-provisioning , as well as the time-varying resource demands of typical enterprise applications .

  24. 最后,对需求和时间都随机的车辆路线问题进行了研究,给出一个比较完善的求车辆路线期望总费用公式。

    The third section develops a formula of computing the expected distances of Vehicle Routing with Stochastic Travel Times and Stochastic Demands .

  25. 通过对交通供给与交通需求随时间变化历程曲线的分析,提出并讨论了交通供给、交通需求随时间变化的三种互动关系类型。

    Based on the analysis on the variations of traffic feed and traffic requirement with time , three correla tions between the two elements are proposed .

  26. 他们往往不会把细节告诉所有的项目团队,以使后者理解他们独特的项目需求、时间安排和业务驱动因素。

    Many times , they don 't talk in detail with all the project teams to understand their unique project requirements , timelines , and business drivers .

  27. 计划调度基本上就是一个时间框方法,定义应该完成的交互和需求的时间范围。

    Scheduling is basically a time box method that defines the period of time for an iteration and the requirements that should be completed within that time frame .

  28. 但问题是全球性的,而且修补所需求的时间可能会使许多用户在今后数星期或数月中处于无法设防的被动之中。

    But the problem is a global one , and the length of time required to fix it could leave many Web users vulnerable for weeks or months .

  29. 结合需求、时间、空间参与要素和资源系统分析了9种公众参与行为模块,建立了三维的旧城住区更新工程公众参与行为框架。

    Nine kinds of participation behavior mode are proposed . Three dimension framework of public participation behavior is set up combinating time , space , needs and resource system .

  30. 合理的收费价格有利于调整交通结构,减少交通出行,实现交通需求在时间和空间上的平衡,以达到解决道路交通拥挤为最终目的。

    Reasonable charge is helpful for adjusting traffic structure , reducing trips , and realizing the balance of traffic demand in time and space to achieve the final purpose .