
  • 网络chemical fibre garments;chemical fiber garment
  1. 杭州万事利丝绸印染总公司专业经营各档化纤服装面、里料。

    Hangzhou Wensli Silk Printing & Dyeing Parent Company deals professional in various chemical fibre garment material and lining .

  2. 是化纤服装(衬衫还是外套),是尼龙袜(短袜还是长袜),晴纶毛衣还是塑料雨衣?

    A polyester shirt or dress , nylon socks or stockings , and acrylic sweater-a raincoat of PVC ( polyvinyl chloride )?

  3. 我国取消部分化纤原料面料及服装进口许可证和配额

    Partial Removal of Import Licenses / Quotas on MMF Fabrics & Apparels

  4. 主要生产经营范围:生产销售各类聚酯长丝、化纤织物、服装。

    The main production areas : production and marketing all types of polyester filament yarn , synthetic fabrics , clothing .

  5. 根据国家九五重点技术攻关项目而完成的苎麻与化纤混纺面料及服装免烫整理的高新技术项目。

    According to the national important technical items of95 , we have finished this high and new technical items which are no-pressing finish of the ramie chemical fiber mixed fabrics and garments .