
  1. 研究了用于化学镀镍液中的三种不同缓冲体系的pH值随加入酸量的变化情况,得出了相应的缓冲容量曲线。

    A chart of buffer capacity is drawn by measuring the pH values of three different buffer systems , which vary with the volume of added acid .

  2. 向一种含双络合剂的化学镀镍液中加入PTFE浓缩乳液,在材料表面获得了NiPPTFE化学复合镀层。

    Ni P PTFE electroless composite coating has been obtained through adding a proper amount of condensed PTFE dispersion into an electroless nickel bath which contains a double complex agents .

  3. 采用混合配体,以有机酸和稀土元素做加速剂,研制成功了在70~75°C条件下,沉积速度达16μmh、寿命为8MTO的酸性化学镀镍液。

    Using mixed ligand with organic acid and rare earth elements as accelerator , acidic electroless Ni soln. with deposition rate 16 μ m / h and 8 MTO at 70-75 ° C has been developed . Coating from this soln.

  4. 电路板化学镀镍液EN-600的研制

    Development of Electroless Nickel Plating Bath EN-600 for PCBs

  5. 本文采用带入化学镀镍液的PdCl2容许量作为衡量镀液稳定性的标准和用于筛选最佳镀液组成和工艺条件。

    The allowable amount of PdCl_2 brought into electroless nickel bath is used to measure bath stability and also to select optimum bath composition and processing conditions .

  6. 化学镀镍液的电解再生膜电解硫酸钠再生酸的研究

    Study on Acid Regeneration of Sodium Sulphate Solution by Membrane-Electro-Decomposition

  7. 化学镀镍液的缓冲容量与沉积速度的关系

    Relation between Buffer Capacity and Deposition Speed in Electroless Nickel Plating Bath

  8. 延长化学镀镍液寿命的研究

    Study on extending the life of electroless nickel plating solution

  9. 化学镀镍液稳定性的综合评价

    Overall Evaluation of the Stability of Electroless Nickel Solution

  10. 镀槽材料污染化学镀镍液的事故

    Contamination of Electroless Nickel Plating Solution from Tank Lining

  11. 化学镀镍液的处理方法

    A Method for Treating Electroless Nickel Plating Exhausted Solution

  12. 用新试验设计技术研制性能优异的化学镀镍液

    Development of Ni-P electroless plating solution with fine performance by new experiment design

  13. 化学镀镍液分析方法比较

    Comparison of Analysis Methods for Electroless Ni-P Plating Bath

  14. 化学镀镍液稳定性测试评估方法

    A Method for Testing and Assessing the Stability of Electroless Nickel Plating Bath

  15. 用电化学方法研究了化学镀镍液的电化学行为。

    Electrochemical behaviours of the electroless nickel plating bath were studied using electrochemical method .

  16. 低温化学镀镍液中次磷酸钠还原效率的研究

    A Study of the Reduction Efficiency of Sodium Hypophosphite in Low Temperature Electroless Nickel Bath

  17. 还讨论了非铁基体化学镀镍液的合理组成,展现出该技术的最新发展成就。

    Reasonable composition of EN bath on nonferrous substrate and its latest achievement are reviewed .

  18. 化学镀镍液的中琥珀酸、酒石酸用溶剂萃取法去除。

    Using solvent to extract succinic acid in and tartaric acid in chemical nikel plating liquid .

  19. 化学镀镍液的循环利用及废水处理研究(Ⅱ)&废水处理

    Studies on Regeneration and Waste Water Treatment of Electroless Nickel Plating Solution (ⅱ)── Waste Water Treatment

  20. 间隔取液法延长化学镀镍液寿命的研究

    A Study on Interval Taking out to Extend the Life of the Electroless Nickel Plating Solution

  21. 化学镀镍液中次磷酸钠含量的电位滴定法测定&现场快速分析

    Deter Mination of Hypophosphite Ion Concentration in Electroless Nickel Plating Solution by Potential Titration Field Analyzing Rapidly

  22. 伏安法测定化学镀镍液中Ni~(2+)和次磷酸钠浓度

    Voltammetric Determination of Ni ~ ( 2 + ) and Sodium Hypophosphite Concentrations in Electroless Ni Plating Baths

  23. 结果表明,于化学镀镍液中添加10~(-3)%La可使化学沉积速度增大;

    The results showed that the rate of electroless deposition increased when 10 ppm La were added into electroless bath .

  24. 比色法测量化学镀镍液中Ni~(2+)浓度的A-C数学模型

    An A-C Mathematical Model Used in Measuring Ni  ̄( 2 + ) Concentration by Colorimetric Method for Electroless Nickel Bath

  25. 通过数学分析的方法建立起化学镀镍液的A-C数学模型。

    Through mathematical analysis , this paper set up an A-C Mathematical model for measuring Ni2 + concentration in electroless nickel plating solution .

  26. 提出了一种新的化学镀镍液再生处理方法,给出了再生最佳工艺条件。

    A new regeneration method of electroless nickel bath is proposed , and the optimum process conditions for the regeneration treatment are also given .

  27. 化学镀镍液的老化能对其镀层性能产生重大影响。

    The age of an electroless nickel plating solution can have a significant effect upon the bath and upon the properties of its deposit .

  28. 本文主要探讨了化学镀镍液中影响次磷酸钠浓度测定准确度的因素,并相应地提出了行之有效的解决方法。

    This papers not only explores which factors make the consistency determination of the NaH_2PO_2 non-accurate in the chemical nickle-plated aqua , but also advance some feasible resolutions .

  29. 根据线性扫描伏安法的基本原理和有关的实验技术提出酸性和碱性化学镀镍液中Ni~(2+)和次磷酸钠浓度的快速测定法。

    The repid methods for determination of Ni ~ ( 2 + ) and sodium hypophosphite concentrations in acidic and basic electroless Ni plating baths have been suggested based on the basic principle of linear sweep voltammetry and relative technique .

  30. 此复合络合剂配方配制化学镀镍液可使镀速达到14.5μm/h,孔隙率降至0.45个/cm2,稳定性提高到3500s,硬度达620HV。

    The chemical plating Ni solution prepared using this prescription of the complex agent could make the plating speed reach 14.5 μ m / h , the porosity reduced to 0.45 / cm ~ 2 , stability reach 3500 sec . and hardness reach 620 HV .