
  1. 本论文的研究对象&汤化龙,作为该派的重要领袖,其政治生涯则与上述过程相始终。

    Tang Hualong , the research object of this dissertation , was an important leader of the political group , whose political career also began and ended with that movement .

  2. 而第一季的化龙点睛之笔正是这两个平行世界间的大撞车,以及这次碰撞对米琪前途的意义,而主演布罗斯纳安也正是因此获得了当年的艾美奖。

    Part of what makes the Season 1 finale , which won Brosnahan her Emmy , was those two worlds colliding and what that could mean for Midge in the future .