
  • 网络semiochemicals;Semiochemical;chemical messenger
  1. 化学信息素在植物植食性昆虫(螨类)天敌相互关系中的作用

    Effects of semiochemicals on the correlation of plants-phytophagous insects ( mites ) and its-natural enemies

  2. 受精卵表面化学信息素种类比未受精卵更为丰富,C27∶2和C27∶1可能是卵带有的标记化学信息素。

    The chemical components coating queen eggs , diploid and haploid , are more abundant than those of workers . C27 ∶ 2 and C27 ∶ 1 may be the chemical pheromones on the egg surface .

  3. 化学信息素在寄生蜂寄主选择行为中的调控作用

    Chemical regulation of semiochemical on the action of Host-selection by parasitoid

  4. 蚂蚁通过一种有香味的化学物质即信息素交流,每种信息素都携带着一定的信息,其它蚂蚁通过触须能够捕获这些信息。

    Ants communicate using pheromones , which are scented chemicals . Using their antennae , other ants can detect these various chemicals , with each acting as a sort of message or word .

  5. 金龟子信息化学物质包括性信息素、聚集信息素和植物源引诱剂。

    Semiochemicals in scarabs include sex pheromones , aggregation pheromones and attractants of plant origin .

  6. 概括了蜜蜂化学生态学的主要研究内容和领域,重点评述了蜂群内的化学通讯和蜜蜂信息素研究的进展。

    The basic contents and main fields of honeybee chemical ecology were summarized in the review , focused on the achievements and advances in the studies on chemical communication and pheromones of honeybees in colony .

  7. 虽然欲望是一种临时的激情的性渴望,涉及到在真爱或依赖关系中化学物质如睾丸激素和雌激素的释放增加,大脑会释放出一系列化学物质:信息素、多巴胺、去甲肾上腺素、血清素、催产素和垂体后叶加压素。

    While lust is a temporary passionate sexual desire involving the increased release of chemicals such as testosterone and oestrogen , in true love , or attachment and bonding , the brain can release a whole set of chemicals : pheromones , dopamine , norepinephrine , serotonin , oxytocin and vasopressin .