
huà xué jiāo huàn fǎ
  • chemical exchange method
  1. 化学交换法分离锂同位素

    Lithium isotope separation by chemical exchange method

  2. 化学交换法富集稳定同位素~(13)C的级联研究

    Cascade Enrichment of Stable Isotope ~ ( 13 ) C by Chemical Exchange

  3. 精馏与化学交换法分离硼同位素中液相络合剂的研究

    Study on the liquid complex of boron isotopes separation by chemical exchange reaction and distillation

  4. 目前广泛采用的同位素分离方法主要有气体扩散法、气体离心法、化学交换法等,由于这部分方法能耗高、分离效率低且环境污染严重已经难以满足对高纯度、特殊同位素的需求。

    At present , the main ways to separate isotope are gas diffusion , gas centrifugation , chemical exchanging , etc. Because of their high energy consumption , low efficiency and high pollution , these ways are difficult to meet the demand of higher purity and special isotope .

  5. 化学交换精馏法分离同位素硼-10研究进展

    10 . We consider that the formula Mim . At the concentration of 10g . Advances in Boron-10 Isotope Separation by Chemical Exchange Distillation

  6. 三氟化硼-苯甲醚的分解反应是三氟化硼-苯甲醚络合物化学交换精馏法分离硼同位素不可缺少的步骤。

    The decomposition reaction of the complex an is ole · BF3 is indispensable during the separation of boron-10 isotopes by chemical isotope exchange distillation between BF3 and the complex anisole · BF3 .

  7. 本文采用湿机械化学-离子交换法再生纳米TiO2。

    In the thesis , nano-TiO2 was resuscitated by soft-mechanochemical ion exchange method .

  8. 采用化学交换反应精馏法,针对三氟化硼-苯甲醚分离体系,研究了硼同位素分离生产过程的特点,建立了交换精馏塔的稳态数学模型,并利用matlab程序进行模型求解。

    By chemical exchange reaction and distillation between BF3 and the complex anisole · BF3 the separation character of boron-10 isotopes was studied . A mathematical model , proposed in this paper , was solved by a Matlab program .

  9. 流动注射化学发光离子交换法研究&Ⅰ.化学发光阴离子交换树脂的研制及应用

    Investigation on the Flow Injection Chemiluminescence Ion Exchange Method ⅰ . The Preparation and Application of Chemiluminescent Anion Exchange Resin

  10. 本文采用化学交换反应精馏法分离硼同位素,通过三氟化硼与三氟化硼-苯甲醚络合物的化学交换反应,使得硼10同位素在液相富集,达到分离的目的。

    This article is devoted to the separation of boron isotopes by the method of chemical isotope exchange distillation between BF3 and the complex anisole ?

  11. 通过应用Flash模拟医用化学实验-离子交换法,测定枸橼酸钠注射液浓度的制作过程,介绍了运动动画、形变动画、关键帧动画和文字处理及声音配置等操作步骤。

    This paper discusses the operation procedures in using Flash to simulate medical chemistry experiment ," determining the content of sodium citrate injection with ion-exchange technique ": movement animation , shape-shift animation , key-frame animation , word processing , and sound disposition .

  12. 脱除市政污水中的氨氮传统的方法是生物法,另外,化学法、离子交换法也广泛应用于各种污水处理中。

    The traditional methods for ammonium and organic removal from municipal and industrial wastewater are based on biological treatment . Additionally , chemical treatment and selective ion-exchange are also used widely in different kinds of wastewater .

  13. 目前,在废水处理领域,其处理方法主要有生物化学法、离子交换法、化学氧化法、电渗析法以及絮凝沉淀法等,而应用最普遍且成本较低的处理方法仍然是絮凝沉淀法。

    Nowadays , many methods belonging to chemistry and biology , ionic complex reaction , chemical oxidation process and electrodialysis process are employed in the wastewater treatment , but the most widely used and less-cost method is the way of flocculating sedimentation .