
  1. 探索出一种以矿物质(橡胶填充剂)为催化剂合成SP及SP-C的新工艺。选择了最佳的工艺条件。

    A new technology of synthesizing SP and SP-C with mineral ( a kind of rubber packing agents ) as catalyst has been sought , and the optimum technology conditions has been selected .

  2. 本文对近年来橡胶填充剂的发展进行了详细的、系统的讨论。

    The new development of rubber fillers in recent years was discussed systematically .

  3. BY系列:用于农药、民用两面活性剂、橡胶填充剂。

    BY Series : used for pesticide and surfactant of everyday use , rubber filling agent .

  4. 橡胶填充剂的新发展

    New Development of Rubber Fillers

  5. 煤矸石的基本性质及作为橡胶补强填充剂的基础性研究

    The Basic Properties of Coal Shales and Basic Study on Using Coal Shales as the Filler of Rubber

  6. 它的组分是水力控制阀60~80%的石棉和10~20%的橡胶,以及填充剂、硫化剂等。

    Its composition is60 to80 % asbestos and10 to20 % of the rubber , and fillers , curing agents .

  7. 将滑石、硅灰石等天然矿物通过超细粉碎和表面改性制成了性能较好的硅橡胶补强填充剂。

    The reinforcing filler of silicone rubber with good properties was prepared with talcum and wollastonite as raw materials by ultrafine crushing and surface modifying .

  8. 用途:橡胶的补强填充剂,可用于耐酸橡胶制品和一般制品。

    Use : rubber reinforcing filler , acid can be used for rubber products and general products .

  9. 对粉煤灰进行分级处理,将小于45μm的粉煤灰经表面改性处理后作为橡胶的补强填充剂。

    Flyash was classified and the minus 45 micron fraction was converted on its surface property and then used as a strengthening filler for rubber .

  10. 芳烃经减压蒸馏切割成三个馏分:小于350℃馏分的芳烃作为橡胶软化剂;350~490℃的馏分作为橡胶填充剂,但凝点均必须降低;

    The aromatics is cut into three distillates : less than 350 ℃ distillate used as rubber softener , 350 ~ 490 ℃ distillate used as rubber filling , but their freezing point must be decreased .

  11. 本文以中原油田含油碳酸钙污泥为研究对象,根据高分子理论化学和橡胶工程理论,论证了油田含油碳酸钙污泥开发含油橡胶填充剂的理论基础。

    Based on the theories of macromolecule and rubber engineering , the feasibility that the mud can be processed into rubber fillers is demonstrated .