
  1. 国内外火电机组运行优化在线管理系统应用现状

    The Status of Superior On-Line Management Systems in Domestic and Overseas Power Plants

  2. 双进双出钢球磨煤机(以下简称球磨机)以其运行可靠性高、煤种适应性广等特点广泛应用于国内外火电厂中。

    Double-in and double-out steel ball mill is widely used in domestic and international power plant because of its high reliability and better coal type adaptability .

  3. 通过对照比较国内外火电厂的耗水指标,介绍了我国火力发电厂水务管理现状。

    The present situation of water management in thermal power plants was described with comparison of water consumption index of thermal power plants in China and foreign countries .

  4. 湿法烟气脱硫装置因其处理烟气量大、脱硫率高、运行周期长、运营成本适中,已成为国内外火电厂烟气脱硫的主导装置。

    Wet FGD equipment has been widely applied in domestic and overseas thermal power plants because of the advantages of huge capacity to treat flue gas , high desulfurizing efficiency , long service period and moderate running cost .

  5. 在国内外火电厂锅炉运行优化软件系统研究的基础上,从7个主要方面对锅炉运行优化系统作了全面系统的阐述。

    On the basis of studying the development and application status of operation improvement software system of utility boiler at home and abroad , operation improvement software systems of boiler are discussed from seven aspects of boiler operation .

  6. 强调外邪郁火在五体郁火阶段,病情轻浅,较易治疗;

    It emphasizes that the state of illness is superficial and mild and easy to treat , when stagnated fire due to exogenous evil is in the phase of stagnated fire of five body ;

  7. 无论外邪郁火或内邪郁火,皆可以分为脏腑郁火和五体郁火,并论述其临床表现。

    No matter stagnated fire due to exogenous evil and stagnated fire due to endogenous pathogenic factors , both of them can be divideded into stagnated fire of the viscera and stagnated fire of five body , and their clinical situation expounded .

  8. 区域外人口移徙型态火和烟迁移的区域模型

    Extra-regional migration patterns FAST zone model

  9. 目前国内外对结构抗火性能的试验研究主要集中两个方面:一个是缩尺寸的抗火结构试验研究;再一个是足尺寸的单个构件的抗火试验研究。

    At home and abroad , the structural fire-resistant tests and research are mainly focused on two aspects : the fire-resistant tests on shrink-size structures , and on single component within a full-size structure .