
wài huì jīnɡ jì rén
  • foreign exchange broker
  1. 国际外汇经纪人协会(外汇俱乐部)这位足球明星脱离了以前的俱乐部并计划加入别外一个俱乐部。

    The football star broke away from his club and planned to join another .

  2. 而银行及外汇经纪人通过非正式协议安排以电话、电传相联系。

    And is linked by telephone and telex through an informal arrangement of banks and brokers .

  3. 银行家、商人、经济学家以及外汇经纪人都在密切注视着这些统计数字。

    The statistics are closely followed by bankers and businessmen , economists and foreign exchange traders .

  4. 您是否曾经和外汇经纪人、商品期货经纪人上或者证券经纪人有过未决事宜、向其做出口头或书面抱怨行为?

    Do you have a pending or have ever made a complaint , oral or written , regarding a past FX , commodity futures or securities broker .

  5. 外汇经纪人通常标两种汇率:一种是他买进外汇的汇率,另一种是他卖出外汇的汇率。

    An exchange dealer always quotes two rates : at one of which , he will buy and at the other of which be will sell the foreign currency .

  6. 中华人民共和国外交部在国务院领导下管理同外国缔结条约和协定的具体事务。国际外汇经纪人协会(外汇俱乐部)

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People 's Republic of China shall , under the leadership of the State Council , administer specific affairs concerning the conclusion of treaties and agreements with foreign states .

  7. 买入汇率:外汇银行和经纪人同意购买外汇的汇率。

    Buying rate of exchange : the rate at which foreign exchange Banks and Brokers agree to Buy foreign currency .

  8. 外汇市场由银行的外汇交易员和经纪人组成,分为两大部分:即期交易市场和远期交易市场。

    The Foreign Exchange market consists of the exchange dealers of the banks and the exchange brokers . It is made up of two sections : the spot market for spot transactions , and the forward market for forward transactions .