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  • catalytic core
  1. 假结结构的生物学作用包括:形成不同核酶的催化核心,自我剪切内含子,以及端粒酶和选择性基因表达等。

    These roles include forming the catalytic core of various ribozymes , self-splicing introns , and telomerase .

  2. 典型的CDK催化亚基包含300个氨基酸催化核心,而当CDK独立存在和非磷酸化时是完全没有活性的。

    The typical CDK catalytic subunit contains a 300 amino acid catalytic core that is completely inactive when monomeric and unphosphorylated .

  3. 光催化用核心材料光催化剂一直是国内外众多学者研究的热点,迄今为止,大部分该类光催化剂属于宽带隙半导体,仅在紫外光条件下具有光吸收活性。

    Attention all over the world had been paid on the core materials of photocatalyst , while most of these materials were a wide band gap semiconductor , which was active only under ultraviolet light .

  4. 电催化技术的核心在于功能电极材料的研制,高性能电极材料的研究成为电化学科学的前沿课题。

    The preparation of electro-catalytic function electrode materials is the core and cutting-edge issue of electro-catalytic technology .

  5. 不对称催化合成的核心问题是具有高对映选择性和催化活性的手性催化剂的设计与合成。

    The design and synthesis of new chiral catalyst with high reactivity as well as excellent enantioselectivity have played a significant role in the development of the asymmetric catalytic reactions .

  6. 控制摩托车排气的净化技术是一项以催化转化为核心的综合设计和匹配优化工程,金属载体上载工艺是摩托车催化转化技术的核心,也是制备金属载体催化剂的关键工艺。

    The control technique of motorcycle emissions is an engineering of comprehensive design and matching optimization taking the catalystic conversion as the core , and the uploading of metal carrier is the kernel of catalystic conversion , also the key technology of preparing the metal carrier catalyst as well .

  7. 二氧化钛(Ti02)作为光催化技术中的核心材料,近几十年来得到了广泛的关注和研究。

    Titanium dioxide ( TiO2 ), as core material in photocatalytic technique , has been received great attention and extensively studied in recent years .

  8. 烟气轮机是催化裂化装置的核心设备之一,其实际回收功率为各方所关注。

    The flue gas turbine is a key component of a fluid catalytic cracking unit ( FCCU ) and its actual output power is the focus of attention .

  9. 重点介绍环氧化物水解酶的结构特点和催化特性,即核心结构和帽子结构两个功能性结构及三位一体的催化活性构象。

    The characteristic of epoxide hydrolase structure and its catalysis performance were described emphatically , i.e. two functional structures : core structure and cap structure , and trinitarian catalytical activity conformation .

  10. 催化剂是催化反应器的核心部分,但由于催化剂的多孔结构,其内部流场、温度场是十分复杂的,通过传统的实验方法对催化剂进行测定周期长,效率低。

    Catalyst is the core part of catalytic reactor , because of the porous structure of catalyst , the internal flow field , temperature field of catalyst is very complex , the research cycle is long , low efficiency to measure catalyst model by traditional experimental method .