
  1. 畅销书《中国式离婚》的作者王海鸰会在她的微博上转述一些催婚母亲的故事。

    The best-selling author Wang Hailing , who wrote " Divorce with Chinese Characteristics , " relays stories of pushy mothers on her micro-blog .

  2. 郑某也厌倦了家人的唠唠叨叨和被催婚的压力,于是在去年底开发了一个机器人,并将其命名为莹莹。

    Zheng had also become tired of the constant nagging from his family and pressure to get married , so he turned to a robot he built late last year and named Yingying .

  3. 在这种新模式下,全国化像一场大型的滑梯游戏一样让世界倾斜,旧的贸易壁垒的“催婚”在加速美国经济供给方向世界其他地区,尤其是向亚洲的转移。

    In this new mode , globalization is tilting the world like a giant sliding board game on which the " flattening " of old barriers in accelerating the transfer of the supply side of the U.S.

  4. 编者按:随着春节的临近,出租男女朋友的交易再次进入人们的视线。顾客只需每天支付最高1500元(219美元),就可以应付催婚的家长。

    Editor 's note : With Spring Festival just around the corner , the business of renting a boyfriend or girlfriend has emerged again , with customers paying up to 1500 yuan ( $ 219 ) per day not to face their demanding parents alone .