
  • 网络catalytic hydrogen wave
  1. 该平行催化氢波被用于测定碘酸根离子氧化原子态氢的表现反应速率常数及提高PAP的分析灵敏度。

    The parallel catalytic hydrogen wave was used to obtain the apparent rate constant of the oxidation reaction of atomic hydrogen by iodate ion . Further more , it can improve the analytic sensitivity of PAP .

  2. 发现在氨性缓冲溶液中有H2O2存在时,四丁基卤化铵(TBAH)的催化氢波能被H2O2进一步催化,产生较灵敏的平行催化氢波。

    The catalytic hydrogen wave of cationic surfactant tetrabutyl ammonium halide ( TBAH ) was further catalyzed by H 2O 2 in ammonium buffer solution , producing a more sensitive parallel catalytic hydrogen wave . The peak potential is -1.45 V ( vs · Ag / AgCl ) .

  3. 催化氢波-单扫描示波极谱法测定克拉霉素

    Single scanning Oscillopolarographic Determination of clarithromycin using its catalytic hydrogen wave

  4. 平行催化氢波法测定双氯酚酸钾

    Polarographic Determination of Diclofenac Potassium Using Its Parallel Catalytic Hydrogen Wave

  5. 有机化合物极谱催化氢波研究进展

    Research advance of polarographic catalytic hydrogen wave of organic compound

  6. 试验选择了产生催化氢波的适宜条件。

    The optimal conditions for producing this wave hasbeen investigated .

  7. 氨-碘酸盐介质中白喉类毒素的平行催化氢波

    Parallel catalytic hydrogen wave of diphtheria toxoid in ammonia-iodate medium

  8. 平行催化氢波法测定非甾体抗炎药尼美舒利

    Determination of Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drug Nimesulide via Its Parallel Catalytic Hydrogen Wave

  9. 蛋白质的平行催化氢波研究

    Study on the parallel catalytic hydrogen wave of protein

  10. 催化氢波法测定美洛昔康

    Determination of meloxicam using polarographic catalytic hydrogen wave method

  11. 萘普生的平行催化氢波及其应用

    Parallel catalytic hydrogen wave of naproxen and its applications

  12. 铌(Ⅴ)-硫氰酸盐络合物催化氢波及其在分析上的应用

    Polarographic catalytic hydrogen wave of niobium (ⅴ) - thiocyanate and its applications to analysis

  13. 托吡卡胺的平行催化氢波法测定

    Determination of Tropicamide by Parallel Catalytic Hydrogen Wave

  14. 铑(Ⅲ)与5-(5-硝基-2-吡啶偶氮)-2,4-二氨基甲苯的极谱催化氢波研究

    Study on the Polarographic Catalytic Hydrogen Wave of the Rhodium (ⅲ) with 5 - ( 5-nitro-2-pyridylazo ) - 2,4-diaminotoluene

  15. 双氧水存在下平行催化氢波法快速测定四丁基卤化铵

    Rapid Determination of Cation Surfactant Tetrabutylammonium Halide Using Its Parallel Catalytic Hydrogen Wave in the Presence of Hydrogen Peroxide

  16. 催化氢波是指含硫,氮等元素的物质能够结合质子,从而降低氢在汞电极上的超电位,使氢在较正电位处还原。

    The catalytic hydrogen wave is ascribed to the fact that certain substances containing nitrogen or sulfur can diminish the hydrogen overvoltage and accelerate hydrogen ion discharge at more positive potential on the cathode .

  17. 贵金属元素电分析化学研究ⅩⅥ铱(Ⅳ)-半胱氨酸络合物催化极谱氢波的研究

    Study on the Catalytic Polarographic Hydrogen Wave of the Ir (ⅳ) - Cysteine Complex

  18. 有机化合物新型催化波&平行催化氢波研究

    Studies on Novel Catalytic Wave of Organic Compound & Parallel Catalytic Wave

  19. 该平行催化氢波比相应催化氢波提高分析灵敏度一个数量级。

    The analytical sensitivity of the parallel catalytic hydrogen wave is one order of magnitude higher than that of the corresponding catalytic hydrogen wave .

  20. 由催化波的产生机理可将有机催化波分为催化氢波、平行催化氢波和平行催化波。

    From the production mechanisms , the catalytic waves of organic compounds are divided into catalytic hydrogen wave , parallel catalytic hydrogen wave and parallel catalytic wave .

  21. 当有碘酸钾存在时,PAP催化氢波峰电流明显增大,且峰电位不变,产生一平行催化氢波。

    When iodate was present , the peak current of the catalytic hydrogen wave increased greatly , and the peak potential remained at original position , producing a parallel catalytic hydrogen wave .