
  • 网络fcc;FCC catalyst
  1. 聚合氯化铝作催化裂化催化剂粘结剂的应用研究

    Study on poly - aluminium - chloride as binder of FCC catalyst

  2. 烯烃在催化裂化催化剂上反应机理的初步研究

    Study on the reaction mechanism of olefins on FCC catalyst

  3. 降低FCC汽油硫含量的催化裂化催化剂评价

    Evaluation of catalytic cracking catalyst for reducing sulfur content in gasoline

  4. 本文以元素分析的碳含量为标准,用ESR方法研究了催化裂化催化剂的积炭。

    Coke formed on cracking catalysts was investigated by ESR technique and elemental analysis .

  5. 镧改性HL沸石在烃类催化裂化催化剂中的应用

    Application of La-Modified HL Zeolite in Cracking Catalyst

  6. GOR-ⅡQD降烯烃催化裂化催化剂的工业应用

    Application of gor - ⅱ QD olefin reducing FCC catalyst

  7. LCH催化剂是新一代超稳Y型分子筛催化裂化催化剂。

    LCH is a new generation USY zeolite cracking catalyst .

  8. 催化裂化催化剂GOR的氢转移活性与降低汽油烯烃含量性能的研究

    Study on hydrogen-transfer reaction and olefin reduction performance of cracked naphtha over a FCC catalyst Gor

  9. 实验结果表明,催化裂化催化剂对C4烃类具有一定芳构化和裂化性能,在适宜的反应条件下,可增产芳烃和丙烯。

    The experiment result shows that FCC catalyst has aromatizing and cracking performances on C4 hydrocarbons . Yield of aromatics and propene can be enhanced under suitable reaction conditions .

  10. LB-1催化剂是一种全白土型的分子筛催化裂化催化剂。

    LB-1 catalyst is a whole-clay type zeolite FCC catalyst .

  11. RMS-8流化催化裂化催化剂氧化法脱钒复活研究

    Removal and rejuvenation of vanadium in spent fluid catalytic cracking catalysts

  12. 在催化裂化催化剂基质中加入抗重金属污染的金属氧化物组分MO-1,对基质进行改性;

    The matrix of FCC catalyst was modified by adding a metal oxide as a vanadium trapping agent .

  13. 催化裂化催化剂ZC-7300与RHZ-300的对比评价

    Comparative Evaluation of Catalytic Cracking Catalysts ZC-7300 And RHZ-300

  14. 气相法制备的超稳分子筛催化裂化催化剂LHA-28的工业应用

    Commercial application of a USY cracking catalyst lha-28 prepared by vapor-phase method

  15. 分析了催化裂化催化剂酸中心的形成机制,重点论述了HY沸石及REY沸石中B酸中心的形成机理,以及催化剂基质和沸石中L酸中心的产生途径。

    The formation mechanism of acid sites , mainly the formation mechanism of Bronsted acid sites in HY and REY zeolite as well as Lewis acid sites in matrices and zeolite of FCC catalysts are analyzed .

  16. LC-7半合成催化裂化催化剂的研制及性能

    Preparation and performance of LC-7 semi-synthetic cracking catalyst

  17. RFCC催化剂的新品种也在不断推出,我国的稀土Y型分子筛、超稳Y型分子筛和稀土1氢Y分子筛催化裂化催化剂的品种在不断更新换代。

    New varieties Y rare earth molecular sieve catalyst , super-steady Y molecular sieve catalyst and hydrogen Y rare earth molecular sieve catalyst were constantly updated in China .

  18. 选用能对沉积钒和沉积镍的氧化数进行定量表征的程序升温还原(TPR)测试方法,考察了催化裂化催化剂上沉积金属氧化数对降低汽油硫含量的影响。

    For the further investigation on the desulfurization effect of the oxidation number s of the vanadium and nickel deposits on FCC catalyst , TPR method was chosen to characterize the oxidation number of metal deposits quantitatively .

  19. 报道石油化工科学研究院与齐鲁石化公司催化剂厂合作开发的第一代降低汽油烯烃含量的催化裂化催化剂GOR-Q的中试和工业放大研究结果。

    A novel FCC catalyst , COR-Q , for gasoline olefin reduction was developed by the cooperation of Research Institute of Petroleum Processing and Catalyst Complex of Qilu Petrochemical Company .

  20. 介绍了LVR60渣油催化裂化催化剂在兰州炼化公司1.2Mt/a重油催化裂化装置上工业应用的情况。

    A resid FCC catalyst LVR 60 for processing more residual oil was commercially tested in a 1 200 kt / a resid FCCU in Lanzhou Refining & Chemical Company .

  21. 焦油催化裂化催化剂积炭失活的实验研究

    Experimental investigation on catalyst deactivation in catalytic cracking of biomass tar

  22. 低结焦渣油催化裂化催化剂的制备及其性能

    Preparation and Property of Low Coke Yield Resid Catalytic Cracking Catalyst

  23. 催化裂化催化剂碱氮中毒数学模型的研究

    Study on Mathematical Model of Basic Nitrogen Poisoning for FCC Catalysts

  24. 我国催化裂化催化剂发展的回顾与展望

    Review and Prospect of development of catalytic cracking catalyst in China

  25. 废催化裂化催化剂处理重金属废水的试验

    Adsorption treatment of wastewater containing heavy metals by waste catalytic cracking catalyst

  26. 废流化催化裂化催化剂气相活化脱镍研究

    Nickel removal from spent fluid catalytic cracking catalyst with gas activation method

  27. 气相色谱法测定平衡催化裂化催化剂中碳元素含量

    Determination of Carbon Element in Balanced Catalytic Cracking Catalyst by Gas Chromatography

  28. 重柴油低温催化裂化催化剂的研究

    Catalytic Cracking Catalyzer of Heavy Diesel Oil at Low Temperature

  29. 第二代降烯烃催化裂化催化剂GOR-Ⅱ的工业应用

    Commercial Application of Second Generation Olefins Decreasing FCC Catalyst GOR - ⅱ

  30. 催化裂化催化剂的铁污染及铁离子来源探讨

    Iron contamination of FCC Catalyst and Sources of Iron Ions