
  • naked marriage;naked wedding;bare marriage
  1. 坦白的说,我是裸婚一族。

    Frankly to saying , I am a part of " Naked wedding " .

  2. 所以“裸婚”的概念正被越来越多的年轻人接受。他们认为两个人只要有骨气,真心相爱,外在的形式都不重要。

    Therefore , the young people welcome naked wedding and they think nothing matters as long as they are truly in love .

  3. 社会学家WangQianma认为男女两性支持裸婚的比例差异,反映出中国人由来已久的传统婚姻观念:女性更注重婚姻的形式,而男性则更现实。

    Sociologist Wang Qianma explained the ratio differences of the gender groups were a reflection of long-preserved marriage concepts among Chinese . " Women care more about the form of a wedding , while men are more realistic . "

  4. 有意思的是,对于“裸婚”的态度,男女之间泾渭分明。

    However , the attitudes of the two genders are quite different .

  5. 国内潮词“裸婚”是当下房价飞涨,年轻一代的真实写照。

    Skyrocketing property prices , reflects the reality of many young people in China today .

  6. 在北京攻读博士的王海敏(音译)也是一名“裸婚族”说:“和那些一结婚就什么都有的同事相比,我的婚姻似乎显得有些‘简陋’。

    Compared with my peers who had everything when being married , my marriage seems a bit of ` shabby . `

  7. 虽然,2009年“裸婚”一词流行起来,但是这种现象绝非80后专属。

    Although " naked wedding " is a buzzword of2009 , this phenomenon does not just belong to young couples born in the1980s .

  8. 本论文主要关注的是80后的婚姻生态,尤其是与80后一代密切相关的裸婚。

    This paper mainly focuses on the marriage status of post-80s , especially the " Naked Wedding " closely related to this generation .

  9. 26岁的梅拉尼和31岁的雷内喜结连理的同时挑战传统,来了一次实实在在的“裸婚”。

    Melanie , 26 , and Rene , 31 , have turned the other cheek to tradition by getting married-in a naked wedding .

  10. 在下一张图片里,你看到一个非常流行的现象叫做”裸婚“。

    So in the next picture , you see a very popular phenomenon called " naked " wedding , or " naked " marriage .

  11. 在这样的背景下,“裸婚族”的出现有其现实意义和社会意义,是一种回归,更是一种进步。

    In this context ," bare-marriage family ," the emergence of its relevance and social significance , is a return , but also an improvement .

  12. 29岁的文章在自己与女演员姚笛亲昵照片曝光后,承认了两人之间的婚外情,他们曾一同出演电视剧《裸婚时代》。

    The 29-year-old confessed that he cheated with Yao Di , his co-star on hit television series Naked Marriage after photographs surfaced of the two sharing an intimate moment .

  13. 裸婚和中国现有婚俗形成了鲜明对比。在中国传统婚俗中,双方父母会帮自己子女的婚姻生活打好物质基础。

    The " naked marriage " is in sharp contradiction with China ` s established marriage customs , which encourage parents to help lay the material foundation for their children ` s marriage .

  14. 虽然传统婚姻价值观仍在中国人心中根深蒂固,专家指出,越来越多的人开始接受裸婚,这表明青年一代对于婚姻持更加开放的态度。

    Although the traditional marital values are still deep-rooted in Chinese people ` s mind , experts said the increasing acceptance of " naked marriage " showed a more open-minded attitude of the youth .

  15. 在中国,几千年来婚姻都被视为两个家庭的事务而不只是小两口自己的事儿。因此“裸婚”这种全新的结婚形式自然掀起了轩然大波。

    This new form of marriage has caught public attention in a culture where for thousands of years getting married was regarded as a family issue more than an intimate arrangement between two individuals .

  16. 这种现象甚至催生了一部名字就叫作《裸婚》的热门电视剧,讲述的是一对年轻夫妇不顾父母反对,选择在没房没车没婚礼的情况下结婚。

    The phenomenon has even spawned a hit television soap opera , also called Naked Weddings , which follows a young couple who opt to marry despite parental opposition and without the usual financial accoutrements .

  17. 对于中国人来说,裸婚或许是当下青年恋人们的新潮流,但对于澳洲人来说,裸婚似乎有史以来就一直是一种常态。

    For the Chinese , a naked marriage may be a new trend for many young couples , but for Australians , this has been the norm since what feels like the beginning of time .

  18. 世纪佳缘交友网(一家著名的婚介网站)的在线调查显示:有38%的女性和77%的男性支持裸婚。

    An online survey from Chinas popular matchmakers network , Jiayuan . com , showed 38 percent of women voted in support of a naked marriage , while 77 percent of male voters were happy with it .

  19. 作为一种新的婚姻文化,裸婚是指没房、没车、没婚礼而直接领结婚证的婚姻方式。

    As a new marriage culture ," Naked Wedding " refers to a marriage mode that young people get married only by registration , without buying an apartment , a car or even without a wedding ceremony .

  20. 裸婚就是结婚时只花9块钱去民政局登记领证的结婚方式。

    Anaked marriage is a Chinese term that refers to a marriage with the only cost being that of the nine yuan that needed to be paid to the Ministry Affairs Bureau as a legal marriage registration fee .

  21. 近年来,越来越多的中国年轻人选择裸婚。这个术语专指那些零资产,婚礼接近零开销的恋人们。

    In recent years , an increasing number of Chinese young people have chosen a " naked marriage . " The term refers to a couple who get hitched without any major assets and who spend little on their wedding ceremony .

  22. “裸婚”就是结婚时只花9块钱去民政局登记领证的结婚方式。

    A " naked marriage " is a Chinese term that refers to a marriage with the only cost being that of the nine yuan that needed to be paid to the Ministry Affairs Bureau as a legal marriage registration fee .

  23. 《裸婚时代》是一部最近很火的电视剧,讲述了年轻夫妇刘易阳和童佳倩无房、无车、无存款的裸婚故事。

    Naked Wedding , a recent hit TV series , tells the story of a young couple , Liu Yiyang ( L ) and Tong Jiaqian ( R ) , who got married with no house , no car and no thick wad of banknotes .